Chapter 9

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"Ghost, this is Shadow-1, orbiting the compound now. Standing by for visual...." Graves coms.

"Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We'll mark out position with IR laser, over." Ghost coms. The truck comes into view stoping at a covering with blue barrels. Stopping the truck, all getting out.

"Roger that, 0-7." Graves coms.

"How do we find Hassan?" Soaps ask, aiming gun around.

"He'll have an armed gaurd. Cartel protection." Alejandro infroms, while running behind a cover.

"Graves covers with close air. We clear buildings." Ghost spoke, hiding behind cover.

"Copy that Lt...Let's get this bastard for Storm." Soap comments, glancing at the other two.

Alejandro nods, "For Storm."

Ghost nods at both of them, "For Storm....Mark us."

Soap taking the laser out for their postion. Shadow-1 TV operator looking for their position.

"Copy visual." Shadow-1 operator coms.

"Shadow-1, be advised, Hassan is moving with an armed guard. You cover external, we'll clear the buildings. How copy?" Ghost coms.

"0-7, good Copy. Armed guard." Graves responds. "We'll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by."

"Cillivans in area be advise." Graves infrom.

TV operator glances at the truck, tracks them. "Looks like more farmers, stand by. No weapons, no guards."

"Shadow-1, we've got targets at the green house to our northwest. Roping now." Ghost coms, looking through his scoop spoting enemies.

"0-7, no visual on the target. Whats the cal" Graves coms.

"That's Army convoy's gaining ground." Alejandro coms.

"we go in guns blazin', hope he squrits, lock him up from there." Soap comments.

"Graves, you're cleared hot to engage external. We'll clear the buildings when secure." Ghost coms.

"0-7, Copy that. Keep your heads down." Graves advises.

"All shadows, clear to fire armed personal only. Don't clear building. Let's make some music." Graves commands the Shadows.

"All shadows, rounds away." Shadow TV operator spoke, shooting group of armed guards. The guards scattered all over, bullets hitting their targets. Multiple enemies fall limp until no movement can be seen.

"0-7, all visible targets are down. Over." Graves coms after shadow confirms no movement.

"Shadow-1, Copy that. We'll be clearing the stables building first Roping now." Ghost coms, before rest follows after him.

"Soap, Freeze down the right side." Ghost commands, while Alejandro follows Soap.

Firing into the buildings, a few Cillivans running out, along a enemy. Ghost shooting them by a truck. Alejandro and Soap clears building.

"Enemy personnel are moving on the stables." Shadow nav, coms.

"Ghost, I need you to move out of the building now." Graves commands.

"Copy, Moving!" Ghost coms, all moving towards a tree, "We clear, drop that building now."

As they where running a big boom could be heard from behind them..The aircraft exploding the stables. Shooting down any enemy remaining.

"Shadow-1, good shots. We moving towards the greenhouse." Alejandro coms.

"TV get visual on Hassan, on the greenhouse." Graves commands.

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