Chapter 26

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Ghost sits on the barrel outside of a barn, glancing down at the lifeless picture. His thoughts raged from quilt, sorrow, confusion, anger, and something else. Most importantly, he doesn't even know why he trust them so quick....oh wait..Ghost see himself in Storm. Cold, Emotionless, mask hiding the past or maybe their face from monster within. Ghost thought back to when they betrayed  him...the team. It all seemed so real everything falling into place like on a puzzle. Ghost eye snaps up to the stars, wonders, was some of it real, or was it all act to pull them all in only to stab them in the back. Yes, the tape helped fill some of the pieces, but not all. Ghost eyes narrow, grips the photo tightly. He wants - no- going to find all of Storm secrets and answers even if it kills him. Ghost can't stand for this he wants to know what was real and what was an act. He hates the fact know that Storm is dead, He can't get his answers from them, but he will find those answerd somehow. Ghost glances over a figure leaning against a vechile staring at their hands, for once he is concerned.

Soap stares as his hands, for the longest time. Tears fell down his eyes. Oh. the quilt, pain, and self hate were eating him whole. He wasn't sure if he could climb out this hole of self-pity and hate. The picture, Alejandro's words, kept repeating in his head. He visions blood on his hands, Storm Blood. Their words echoed in his mind, "I'm an assassin. Someone you shouldn't trust....I made these connections for my own benefit..."

Ghost made his way over towards Soap, placing a hand on his shoulder. Causing him to steer out of his thoughts, "Johnny...."

Soap slowly glances up, "I'm fine, Lt."

Ghost eyes him with disbelief with intense stare, Soap shallows, "Ah...uh, I'm not fine."

Ghost lets his arms fall on their side, "Finally being an honest."

Soap glances at the picture in his hand, fist clenched, "It was my fault."

Ghost sighs, "It's not your fault Johnny...Storm decided not to trust us with information... always kept us in the dark."

Soap shakes his head, "Just like you... but I get it. I always thought maybe they would open up to us with time."

Ghost folds his arms, eyes the picture, "Actually, I'm not sure if they ever would at this point....Storm was very hard to read although they were assassin... They are hard to understand and that means they would never have open up to us. So don't blame yourself, after all it was Storm fault not to trust us."

Soap listen intensely, absorb his words, "It's just all of this doesn't make no sense none of...wish we could just get answers and being kept in the dark."

Ghost nods, "Me too...We find them eventually. as the saying goes 'everything that happens in the dark comes to the light.'"

Soap nods, smirks, "Never thought I see you-"

Gaz comes out of the barn, "Guys, Price got call with Sherperd. "

Ghost and Soap glances at each other nods, "Let's go."

All three men pace into the barn, heading to wooden table with a laptop and Price sitting on a chair, staring intensely at the screen. All three joined Alejandro, as he nods a the trio. They nod back.

"You hid this- why?" Price snides.

"We all keep secrets, Captian." Shepherd spoke nonchalant.

Price snorts, "Just like Storm....why the hell wasn't I infromed?"

"Consider yourself well informed now, John. And what does this have to do with Storm?" Shepherd leaning on the desk.

"That's really fucking helpful, General. Thank you. But you're a day late and a missile short. There's three of them-we only found two. And I'll tell you about Storm in a minute." Price comments back anger clearly in his tone.

The Assassin: Storm (Cod Fanfic × Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora