Chapter 24

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As the black vechiles drove through the streets, rain still fell from the sky. Storm and Graves sat in the back seat, far away from each other, as Graves decided if he wanted to make conversation. Storm elbow resting on the car door, their hand resting on the chin, eyes staring out the window.

Storm notices the tension decides to break it, "So, it was you both this whole time."

Graves snaps head in Storm direction, "What?"

Storm glides their head towards Graves, "It was your shadow company and General Shepherd that lost those missiles. Operation Hindsight, ring a bell to you?"

Graves eyes widen, "How you know about that?"

Storm chuckles, "I have my sources. Beside I could tell by watching both your and the general glances. You hide it from other but not me."

Graves nods, "Yes, it was us, we needed to move them-"

"Don't need to tell me, Graves. You need to the US government, but what I do need ask is: are you going to eliminate the task force? Or you gonna let them go?" Storm stares him down.

Graves sighs, before glancing away, "That is my plan to let them go. You heard Shepherd orders, to eliminate."

"You've grown a liking to them...just like I did." Storm confronted, seeing Graves shouch a little.

"Yes." Graves answer, "Considered them comrades, but..."

"Order are orders." Storm finishes, glancing at the rear view mirror at the vechile behind.

"Gotcha ask. Are you going to betray Sherperd or loose every bit of trust of task 141? Or whatever trust they have left." Graves glances at Storm.

Storm glances out the window, "Someone once said we all disposable, some even replaceable."

Graves nods, rubs his hands together, "That is true."

"You don't have that hate towards me, why?" Storm asks.

Graves glance out the window, back at Storm, "Well, I realized that your just like remind me of someone else. Trying to find someplace call home."

Storm eyes Graves, "Just like you. But listen if you do this, they will hunt you down and kill you. Be wise with you words and actions."

Graves smacks his lips, "I do hope they listen. But you Storm, I hope you choose wisely as well. it's seem your mind is troubled. "

Storm glances at the base gates as they stop the vechile, "That I know. Listen Graves, whatever happens don't hurt Alejandro men."

Graves stare at Storm for a moment, " That will be determined."

Graves gets out to slam the car door, seeing the men get out, facing Alejandro. Storm sighs before pressing a button, before stepping out of the vechile.

"What's this?" Alejandro ask, concern.

Graves thought of what Storm spoke before, "This is the immediate future."

Ghost and Soap gets out the car. Storm goes around the front of the car and leans their back on the side of the car, arms folded. Not glancing at any of there way, feeling intense gazes. "Step away from the gate."

Soap standing behind Alejandro, "what?"

"You heard me." Graves speaks.

"This is crazy, this is my base." Alejandro fired back.

"It's not a base. This is a sizable facility and I admire it-So I'm taking it." Graves Speaks.

Storm glances at the back of Graves head, Alejandro narrows his face at Graves. Soap eyes widen, glances at Storm to which invade his gaze and Ghost hard cold stare.

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