Chapter 11

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After multiple rounds of stabbing and punching a training dummy, Ghost decides his anger was fire out. Ghost having all his tactical gear on, because he had to take all his frustration out on something other than the person with dark grey eyes. Something about Storm doesn't sit right with him. How Storm figure is short but lean enough not to tell gender. Their muscle mass is massive enough has they were a man. Another thing is that how is the person wigging into his heart. How come he starting to form this bond? Why did he act like that back when they could've die, like something tug his cold hearted string. Why out of everyone in this world it had to be someone just like him.

His thoughts consumed, that he punch the dummy again, shaking his head he headed back to the barracks. It was quiet not many people awake, so he can he walk in peace. He went to the front door, to see Soap sitting on the front steps with normal clothes on. Elbows on knees and head in his heads. Ghost not sure how to comfort but he knows how to listen.

Soap glancing up, jump a little, "Lt, I didn't see you there."

Ghost nods, sit beside him,"....What's on your mind?"

"Just thinking about....Storm." Soap admits.

"Me too." Ghost admits his thoughts, knowing he can fully trust Soap, but doesn't admit that to him.

"....Do you tust Storm?....Or what I should say are you starting to?" Soaps ask, glancing at his Lt.

"It's hard to say." Ghost replies, glancing at Soap.

"I know what you mean, one minute they open next they close. That reminds me of someone." Soap slides that last comment to Ghost.

Ghost glancing back forwards, "That's true..."

Soap sighs, "Well, I'm just gonna say it. I hope we can start to form a bond with Storm. Especially after we acted out on the field....when we thought we lost them."

Ghost thought about it for a moment, he called them a comrade after just meeting them. Maybe it was their skills, or how they are alike. Or maybe it could've of been a gut instinct to form a bond. "You're right."

"Well, I'm gonna call it a night....maybe tomorrow can be different." Soap gets up glancing at the night.

"I've got a question. Do you think Storm is a man or woman?" Ask Ghost, letting himself open for a moment.

Soap tilts his head and laughs, "Well, that's a good question because their voice sounds in-between both genders and their body style fits well with both genders. So I'm not sure. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. Night, Lt." Soap comments, entering the building.

"Night, Johnny." Ghost mumbles, though Soap didn't hear it.

Ghost looking forward, taking in the peace. Couple of rocks feel down on his shoulder, he glances up the see two hanging leg on the side of the building, "What the hell?"

Ghost heading in the building, navigating his way up to the roof. Finally finding the stairs, he enter through the door to, turning his head to the left, to see a firgure on the ledge looking up. Ghost sneakily walk up behind the figure.

"I know you there, Ghost. " The voice spoke out, glancing over their shoulder, "Before you even think about it, I'm not going to jump."

Ghost nods before walking up to Storm, before climbing up the ledge joining them. Swinging his legs off the building. A silence engulf them both glancing up at the stars, either one not sure what to say or how to start a conversation. Both of them have similar thoughts but different emotions they claim they don't have.

"Do you like looking at the stars?" Storm asks, getting some unknown confidence.

"It's been awhile...." Ghost comments.

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