Chapter 15

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"I can't believe you somehow convince me to this." Storm slouches, staring at Soap.

Soap have a very amusing smile, "Well, all big bad smart killing machine don't know how to bake, so here we are. Making cupcakes."

Soap taking out a necessary ingredients for making cupcakes. Ghost leaning against the counter watching the girlishness come out of Soap, watching Storm slightly suffer.

You probably wondering how they get into the kitchen, let's take back you back to the meeting room.

Soap tilts his head up with a smile, "Yes, Storm, I can't do something easy, thay anyone can do."

Storm sighs, grabbing the bridge of their  nose, "You really want to know, don't you? You too, Ghost?"

"Oh, yeah, I do. I'm sure Ghost wants to know, as much as I do." Soap answers for both of them.

Storm glances to see Ghost eyes held some curiosity in those dark eyes. Storm eyes, Soap honey eyes. Soap giving the most puppy dog glance he could mutter. Storm sighs, giving in, "Fine, but the both of you can not say this to anyone, and I mean it."

Soap nods, "I swear on my life, I won't tell a soul."

Storm nods, turn to Ghost. Ghost holds up his hand, "I swear on my life, I won't tell a soul."

Storm smirks, realizing that the two men are coming around them, and that makes them happy. Storm nods, "The biggest thing, I can't do is.....baking." Storm admits shamelessly.

A moment a silence engulf them, before Soap bust out laughing. Ghost smirks holding in his laughter, that he finds funny someone as skill as Storm can't bake. Though he can't say the samething, he could or no bake as well- who knows? Soap can't believe it that the Storm, the one can kill anyone in their path, can't bake. Tears runs down his face. Storm sighs, shaking their head, this is why they don't want to say anything.

Whiping the tears, "You know, Storm, I find this the most funniest thing I heard. But, I've got an amazing idea."

Storm and Ghost glance at Soap, "What is the Soap 'amazing' idea?"

"Well, Storm just trust me and follow me." Soap speaks getting up.

Ghost eyes the man, "You know, I'm going to see what this amazing idea is, you coming Storm?"

Ghost gets up glancing down at Storm, which is staring at them both with narrow eyes. Storm sighs, "I have a sense that I'm going to regret this."

Storm gets up, grabbing the laptop, before gesturing towards Soap, "Lead the way."

Soap nods paces towards the door, Ghost and Storm follows. Exiting the room, the group being led down hallways and turns.

"What do you think this idea is going to be?" Storm whispers to Ghost.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, smart one." Ghost slides back, smirking. For some unknown reason, Storm brings out a side of him, he thought was long and forgotten.

Storm grunts, "Oh, really, your not going to tell me?"

"Nope, this is what you should firgure out on your own. Just enjoy...the moment, instead of thinking of all the outcomes." Ghost advises, a soft tone on his voice.

Storm eyes widen at the soft tone, before glancing at the back of Soap Mohawk head, "I guess, your right."

Soap stops at corner of a hallway, before turns around, "You stay here, I'll be right back. Ghost come with me."

Ghost nods, giving a last glance at before following down the hall with Soap. Storm leans against the outer corner of the hallway, hidden, waiting for what awaits. Storm sighs leaning their head back on the wall, glancing up at the ceiling. Storm waited it felt like enterity before hearing footsteps coming back down the hallway. Ghost appeared around the corner, his massive body covers Storms shorter height. Storm height came up to his upper chest.

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