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This is isn't a chapter. Just wanted to say Happy Holidays and I hope you all had a great time 🎄🎄🎄🎄

By the way.

The rain was falling down hard, as the tears fell from the heavens. A fight between good and evil amough the black endless darkness. A flash of lighting lit up the sky over the edgy rocky cliff. A figure with a black hood and mask, wearing a black long jacket that points down to their knees. A gun grips tightly in their grips. The rain fell down their face mixed with tears. As grey eyes stare down at motionless figure at the ground.


The thunder, the lighting, the wind, and the rain.

This- Now this- is- the description of what the figure what deemed themselves in endless Neverending darkness of storm, tormented my their mind every since they was born. Or what the could recall.

A set of footsteps splashing in the water, came up to watch the dreadful scene, sighs, "Listen, i know this is hard-"

The midnight figure, snap their head up at the sky. Watching the storm get brutal every second. "I'm going to hunt him down, and I'm going to kill him." The figure glances over their shoulder, "And I'm going to need your help...I will not take a no for a answer."

The person eyes widens, take a few steps before a hand rests on their shoulder, eyes resting on the lifeless figure, "As you wish...hm...what should we call you now?"

The figure gives a great ful nod, eyes hardened before glancing back at the sky, "....I will be known as Storm..."

The person honey eyes glances over at the firgure, "I like that. It suits you."


This is a little Flashback from Storm past.

A holiday Speical for you all. 😊

The Assassin: Storm (Cod Fanfic × Oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant