Just a dream.

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No ones POV:

It is the night of the Addams family arrival in the golden city, they have all unpacked and Enid has revealed that she'll be staying with the family in San Francisco and seeing her childhood friends in the city itself. As they havent done for much of the year, Wednesday and the blonde teen are in the same room. Thing is also present watching over the scene. "Must you giggle at every little thing you see on that device?" Wednesday calls over to her roomate. "Sorry wens, I didn't mean to, are you still writing that novel, even on holiday?" The blonde teen responds. "Yes, this novel is very important to me, it lets me express- stop calling me wens, or I'll have your claws as a necklace." Wednesday shouts back. "Sheesh, I didn't realise you were that nasty." Enid replies to the raven haired girls' sudden outburst. 

Wednesday's POV:

Shit, I can't tell her that I use my novel to express my feelings. She'll think I'm soft! The gloomy, solitary fortress that is me? Soft? Caring? Not a chance, not as far as they see anyway. I'm almost thankful she called me wens then, it gave me a perfect get away, although perhaps I snapped a bit too harshly. I look over at Enid. She's got her chin resting on her knees. "I apologise for my sudden outburst. If you wish to give me one of your silly nicknames, fine, but not in public." I make that last part very clear. "Oh okay" she looks confused, like she's thinking for a moment before she speaks up again "thanks nessy." Enid responds with a grin. Although the name makes me want to vomit, I almost like the new name, reminds me of the loch ness monster. Feared by many seen by few. I finish writing my novel for today and head to bed. 

"W…wednesday", A voice chokes out in a painful and desperate sob.

"its okay cara Mia, you're going to be okay" Another voice sounds, this one a lot fainter than the first, almost as if they were whispering.

the doves sobs become more choked as she rapidly loses blood. The raven desperately applying pressure to the deep wound in her stomach. 

"Y… You're going to be okay, I promise. Just stay with me". 

The dove continues to choke out painful sobs as she quietly whimpers, tears streaming down her face as her breathe gets slower. 

" come on, please just hang on… please" the raven says stuttering on her words panicking more every second, applying as much pressure as she possibly could. 

The doves glossy eyes look deep into the ravens as she takes her final breathe. Silence. The raven sat there for a moment studying her lovers face as she gradually releases the pressure that was once applied. Her icey eyes we're now faded, the tears stop running. The sobs and whimpers had stopped escaping her lips. 

"N… no, no, no.." The raven stuttered out. 

"No baby…  please no, you can't leave me. Not yet… " she desperately choked out as she pulled the body close to her. 

"Please… " was all she could say. In hopes her love would come back, in hopes she wasn't really gone… 

No ones POV: 

Wednesday shoots up out of her bed, tears streaming down her face. The sudden commotion awakens thing and he motions towards Wednesday. "Are you okay? are you crying?" Wednesday wipes away the remainder of her tears, "no of course not, I appear to have something stuck in my eye." Wednesday whispers to the hand as more tears fall. "It was about her wasn't it." Thing motions, she looks towards Enid making sure she didn't wake her up. "Fine, yes, it was, now leave me alone or i'll rip your precious nails off." She replies, turning back in things direction and putting him back into his place.

Wednesday's POV:

What on earth was that, it wasn't a vision, nothing triggered it, I hadn't been sleeping long enough for a dream to occur, yet it felt so real. All I can think about is Enid, I can't let anything happen to her. Whatever that was cannot come true. Nothing can happen to her, I'd never admit this verbally but she means too much to me. She's too precious for that amount of pain or any pain for that matter. I sat there for about 5 minutes, with my face in my hands, tears still streaming as I think over the dream and what it could have meant. I start over thinking all the possible dangers. What if something terrible happens and I can't stop it?? What if I can't save her, my body starts violently shaking when suddenly I hear a light creak from the other side of the room, i snap my head towards the sound meeting her icey blue gaze, she was watching me. Enid was watching me cry and panic. I quickly wiped my face hoping she couldn't see as the only form of light was the shimmering moon. 

I turned away from her closing my eyes and covering my face again in hopes she'd just ignore me and go back sleep, unfortunately for me that of course wasn't the case. "Wednesday… ?"  I wanted to respond but I knew my voice would be shaking then proving her theory. I scanned around the room with my eyes looking for a reason to escape but there was nothing. I heard her bed shift as she stood up, hearing the faint tapping of her feet grow closer before I felt her warm embrace. I paused for a moment thinking of something to say but all that managed to escape my lips was a soft quiet sob. "Shhh, it's okay amor." she whispered pulling me in closer as she sat down in front of me. Enid then trailed her hands up my body until she reached my wrists gently grabbing them and removing my hands from my face as she softly and sympathetically stared into my glassy eyes with her beautiful blue ones. 

Enid's POV: 

My heart ached seeing her in this state, I pulled her closer to my chest as she let out a string of quiet sobs, to my surprise she hugged me back. She was holding onto me for dear life as if I was going to leave her, her small body was rapidly shaking as her grip around my body increased. I slightly shifted her, which she obliged to, as I moved her body so she was straddling me, I could feel her tears gradually soaking my shoulder as she sobbed into my ear. My heart was breaking at the sounds, she isn't one to show emotions let alone 'weakness', as she says, But here she was, crying into my shoulder, gripping onto me like she'd never see me again. I started stroking the back of her head, gently shushing her in an attempt to sooth her. I never knew she could be so… vulnerable. 

<small time skip>

After about roughly 10 minutes her breathing hitched before it started slowing down to her calm pace, her sobs decreasing before falling silent, however she was still gripping onto me. I continued stroking the back of her head as my other hand held onto her waist. The longer I did this the more her body seemed to relax, her grip excessively loosened as she began to fall back into slumber, her entire body now resting against me as her soft breathes hit my neck. "Wens?" No response. She's definitely asleep, god she's adorable I hate to see her upset but I'm glad she trusts me and accepted my comfort. Part of me wishes to hold her like this forever. 

After a few minutes I begin to grow tired again, I carefully remove Wednesday's legs from around my waist as I slowly lean her back. Her facial expression looks so soft, her dry tears stained her cheeks. I gently rest her body down on the bed facing the wall as I cautiously lay behind her not wanting to wake her up. I steadily wrap my hands around her waist, drifting back into sleep as I cuddle my roommate and possible new found crush… 

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