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Wednesday's POV

It was around 10:30 and we were now scouting through the hallways, making our way towards the main lounge where all photos and yearbooks were kept. The chances are the door is locked so I made sure to bring a few materials to help us through. Enid was more chirpy now as she was lightly skipping behind me, "I still can't believe you stole my clothes" I said in a low whisper to which she just giggled in response, "I didn't think you were a fan of dull colours cara mía?" I say in a questioning tone, her face began to turn a deep shade of red, she quickly snapped her head in the opposite direction before quietly speaking, "They smell like you, it makes me feel happy and safe", her statement made me smile a bit, it was honestly adorable that my scent makes her feel safe. That I make her feel safe. We walked in silence for a while, hands locked together until we reached our destination, Enid tried the handle and as I assumed, it was locked. I reached into my pocket to retrieve a couple paperclips and Macgyvered our way into the office, " of course you know how to pick locks" the voice from behind me spoke, "It's another addams family trait" I say before pushing the door open and flicking the light switch. There were a few cupboards with the label 'yearbooks' on them, well shit. Which one could it be in, I thought to myself before looking towards Enid. "The school has been running for many years. I'd imagine they're in order of each year so perhaps we can roughly work out what year Weems' yearbook is, and match it to the locker" I nodded at her statement before softly smiling, "You're getting better Sinclair. "

Enid's POV

We've been working out the year Weems went to school, I tried suggesting asking Morticia but Wednesday obviously objected to the idea. It had been about 35 minutes and we finally figured it out and now Wednesday is working on the lock, it's actually amazing how many skills she has, she has a way with things. Like she has magical hands or something. *click* I was snapped from my thoughts as Wednesday successfully picked her second lock and as we thought Weems' yearbook was sitting there, on the third shelf, Wednesday reached for it, quickly scanning through each page before pointing at one of the students "There." She whispered before looking in my direction, I peaked over her shoulder to see it perfectly matched the headstone, "we finally figured it out, Keshawn Perez is our victim" I say with a huge smile on my face, "not yet love" Wednesday replied before pointing at Weems' photo, "We need to figure out where she is hiding and why" her voice was laced with confusion yet she also sounded Intrigued.

Wednesday's POV

I don't understand why she'd fake her death, unless she had a plan. Maybe she was working with Thornhill and she set Mr Perez up. But she wouldn't do that, or would she? "How come we've never heard of or seen Mr Perez?" The blonde haired girl asked to which I shrugged my shoulders. I stood up and placed the year book back in its previous space before locking the cupboard back up, we began to make our way over to the door in order to get back to our dorm as it was getting late, as I reached for the handle Enid grabbed my arms and pulled me away "What th-" she slapped her hand over my mouth "shhh" she quietly and quickly dragged me by my arm hiding us both behind a desk. We were sitting there for what felt like roughly a minute when the door creaked open and a few loud steps were heard before the door closed, they sounded like heavy heels. I looked over in Enid's direction, her pupils were extremely contracted, almost cat-like, her eyes were wide, she was clearly worried, maybe even scared as the footsteps could be heard around the room. I noticed a small hole in the desk and decided to look through it…

Principal Weems?

Sorry for the short chapters guys, just really wanted to get something out for y'all as you haven't been getting updates very often. Hope your all doing well and enjoying the story x

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