Don't leave me.

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Wednesday's POV:

I wake up unaware of my surroundings, which is unfamiliar for me, I'm normally very aware of where I am, but right now I feel warm and safe. When my eyes open I see that I'm facing my wall. Strange, I never sleep on my side. I begin to turn on my back when suddenly, I feel the feel warm and soft texture around my waist, realising I am in Enid's arms. As much as this makes me want to vomit, I do quite like this sensation. I need more of this, it makes me feel calm. Happy? I carefully turn towards her and scan her facial features, she really is beautiful. I hear Enid start to stir and slightly panic, I decide to nuzzle into her chest and fake sleep so she doesn't know how much I actually love this feeling. Also my curiosity got the better of me on what she would do. 

Enid's POV: 

Wow, that was the best sleep I've had in ages. I was so comfortable, I then realise the reason why I was so comfortable, a certain raven haired teen is right in front of me and I have my arms around her. Her face was burried into my chest, my god she looks so cute like this, I'm then snapped out of my thoughts as last nights events replay in my head, her situation made my heart break but she was sooo cute when she was clung to me, she almost seemed like a koala. I feel like Wednesday really opened up to me and I'd love for her to open up about more things. I pull her a bit closer as i cuddle her small body for a few more minutes, I've never felt this way with Ajax, maybe I do love her? My thoughts then part as I feel her shift, knowing she may wake up soon I gently remove my hands from around her waist and get up to brush my teeth, getting prepared for the day. I was just about to leave the room when I hear the bed creak and see that Wednesday is also up, wow, I never realised how beautiful she looked in the morning. "Good morning wens!" I say cheerfully putting in a cute smile as I say it. "Morning Enid" the short girl responds her hair slightly dishevelled from the perfect way it normally sits, I walk towards her as I reach my hand out to place a small strand of hair behind her ear, my hand remains on her face, cupping her cheek, she leaned into my touch slightly but also seemed to struggle to keep eye contact as her face flushed, due to this reaction I decided to get closer and closer, our faces only an inch apart usually she would threaten me or push me back but this time was different. We are about to make contact when suddenly, *bzzzt bzzzt* my phone vibrates notifying me one of my friends had messaged me. She quietly sighs before we both pull away, I feel my face turn completely red and hers turns to a deeper shade, Wednesday turns her back towards me. She looks so cute when blushing but I can't do anything right now, I'm so embarrassed! I don't know what to do, I run out the door in a flash hoping she hasn't noticed that I like her. 

No ones POV: 

With Enid being out with her friends for the morning, Wednesday starts looking into some of the supernatural tales she's heard about the so called 'golden city', one of the more popular tales is the 'lady of stow lake' she only wants to look at this to see if the tale does indeed have any truth behind it. 

<time skip>

As Wednesday approaches golden gate Park many tourists flee or give looks of disgust as they see the gloomy teen walk through their field of learning and exploring. First, she examines the place where a child supposedly fell into the lake while on a boat trip. She couldn't see any clues here so she began to walk around the lake straying further from the park as she went on. 

Wednesday's POV: 

Normally these tales are fake, but I have some hope for this one, I've read a lot into it and it just might be plausible, as I walked around the lake I see a young lady doing the same, she has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and she was wearing a white dress. With that description the only thing that enters my head is Enid Sinclair. I wish I could tell her the way I feel but I don't know how to and she's with Ajax so it's not like she sees me as anything more than her best friend anyway, unfortunately. I'd lost complete track of my surroundings and misplaced one step. As I fell sideways into the lake I reached my arms out but to no avail, my body twists and falls backwards and then suddenly… 

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