"be patient"

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Wednesday's POV:

One thing I don't like about the investigation process is the length, so far all we've uncovered is that most of Nevermore's main professors are shape shifters, which explains why none of them ever miss a class, because they cover for each other, interesting, but not why we're here. The first thing we need is names. But so far we've found nothing of use. We tried looking for clues in Crackstone's crypt, it's where everything seems to centre around here. However, nothing, speaking of crypts, we need a burial site for Weems or this unknown shape-shifter, you can't just die and have your body dematerialise into literally nothing. Even if she was cremated as shape shifters work differently in that sense according to the textbook, but still, we need to know this to move forward.

"Enid my dear" I announce to the blonde teen looking at her phone. "We need to go grave hunting." She looks up at me with a 'must we really' expression adorned across that beautiful lump of brain, flesh and bone otherwise known as one's face. "Yes, if we're going to find Weems we need to figure out if she's dead or not and if she isn't we need to prove it." She looks back at me, her eyebrows tilted up "Fine, but only because I love you." She says with a grimace look as she begins to lift herself from her spot. "Where are we going first?" Enid groans, she loves it really, she just won't admit it.  "Oh the graveyard in Jericho of course." I say making as cute a countenance as this face can make. "Of course." Enid replies, dragging her feet across the cold wooden floor.

<time skip>

We've just arrived at the local churchyard in Jericho, being a small town it's not got many graves. For once, this is a good thing. Makes searching for the body a lot easier and quicker. . "Since we don't have a name, we need to identify more recent graves." I say to Enid, not realising her inexperience in this area. "Look for marble tombstones, light grey gravel, and more flowers than usual." She then nods while staying close to me. "What about that one there?" She asks, pointing at a very recent grave. "I don't think so my love, you can see that the gravel is a bit higher, that means the coffin hasn't collapsed yet, this one won't be that recent, good eyes though." I say with more enthusiasm than I've ever had.

Enid's POV:

Her voice seemed oddly chirpy at that statement, strange but cute. I kept scanning around looking for newer graves, marble, light grey, flowers. Easy enough. Wednesday was also scanning but she was doing a much faster job. I noticed that we were slowly drifting to separate sides of the graveyard which may make this case easier but it was rather unsettling. I'm not much of a fan of dead bodies, or blood or anything in that category as a matter of fact. Just then a bouquet of flowers caught my eye, I turned to face them to notice the grave it sat on looked fairly clean and looked like marble, or at least what I think is marble…?  I turn to the Raven haired teens direction before coming my hands around my mouth, "Wednesday, come check this headstone out! " I yelled as loud as I could in order to clearly grab her attention, she turned on her heel before walking over to me at a rather fast pace for about 7 seconds before stopping at the side of me, "eager much? " I say in a snarky tone, she just nodded slightly before bending in front of the gave to get a clear view of the name and death date. She read over the tombstone quickly before turning her head and speaking, "Good girl" I stared at her as I felt my face begin to flush, she just smirked and began to leave the graveyard, I followed shortly after.

Wednesday's POV

We're currently waiting for the teachers to disperse before we attempt to take the old yearbook as they count it as a private and confidential source. Enid is currently getting extremely restless and keeps groaning at the repetition of 'tik tok' sounds emerging from her phone. The dove suddenly chucks her phone onto the pink bed before making her way over to my own bed, The wolf places her hands on my shoulders before forcing me onto my back and giving me a passionate yet rough kiss, her soft lips connecting with mine multiple times as her hands gently roamed my body. We we're making out for a while before she sat up on my stomach, her ice blue eyes Piercing my soul. "Nessy I'm bored, how much longer do we need to wait." She seems more invested in this inspection than I am, "Not long now Hermosa, just be patient" at that she just groaned before getting up and walking towards my drawers, she picked out a black hoodie and jogging bottoms before heading towards the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower to pass the time" she said before disappearing. Did she just take my clothes, "Seriously?" I mumble to myself before making my way to the balcony and setting up my chello.


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