Its over

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Wednesday's POV:

I'm making my way back to nevermore in something of a confused mood, why would Enid run off so suddenly, she never does that, ever, I think back to the events of half an hour ago. Because of my visions my memory is very, very detailed. We were all having what was quite a good time, the last thing I remember happening before she left us… the door opening… and none other than Ajax walking in. I snap away from my memory and begin to ponder, why would Ajax make her do that, there must be a connection because Enid never runs away without saying why first. That's my job. But she said they've broken up, so why would that do anything?

Enid's POV:

What am I going to do? What am I going to do? That's all that goes through my little mind as I pace around the room. Why didn't I do something sooner? It's all about ripping the plaster off. Not peeling it off slowly. That just makes it worse. I've got to do something! But I don't know what. It was all going so well, we've all had a brilliant day, but then, that happened. I'm so stupid. I should have told him before. What the fuck am I going to do now. I just hope Wednesday doesn't question me too much, I don't know if I can do questions right now. Look Enid. It might be alright, it may all work out. But it never does, does it, sooner or later it'll all go to shit as per usual in my life. As my mother, yes that bitch, used to say, 'you can't have your cake and eat it' I hate how she is right, I just wish something could go right without any implications. But it never does, I always go and screw it up, maybe I'm better off single all together. Wait, where did that come from, no, I'm not going to be single, not when I have a loving girlfriend, if she still loves me after this that is. She has no reason to love me. I wish she would, but why would she. Especially after this, I love her too much to lose her. But I can't do anything right. By this point I'm sitting in my dorm, crying my eyes out, it's the only thing I can do now. I wish I could do something. But I can't, so I'll cry instead. As I sit there, pools of tears start to stain my pillow, I keep asking myself the same question waiting for an answer. Why?

<short time skip>

I'm still crying but I've got no tears left to give, I sink my face deeper into my pillow. And then, the door opens, shit, I can't let Wednesday see me like this. I sit upright wiping my eyes of all the teary residue left from my episode. "Oh, hi wens." I say putting on the fakest smile I've ever worn. "Enid" she says bluntly. "What's with you and Ajax?" Shit. Well I'm fucked. This isn't going to work out well. "Wens I can exp-" I try to respond with. "You said you've broken up with him Enid, if he still makes you react love that why don't you go back with him?" She says her face sinking more back to its emotionless self. Not even I can read what's going on behind her obsidian eyes. "Is that what you want? Hm? Enid!?" Shit she's angry. Fuck, I've completely fucked this up. "NO!" I shout in response. "No, wens." I calm down with. "Forget it, Enid, if you can't get over him what's the point." She seems to be slightly upset but hiding it very well. I think I'm going to have to tell her the truth. "Wednesday. I didn't break up with him, I just couldn't bring it upon myself to do it." I say, knowing this can go one of two ways. "You… what..?" Welp I'm fucked. "YOU DIDN'T BREAK UP WITH HIM! WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!?" She shouts tears streaming from her eyes now as well. I knew it, I've really gone and fucked up now. "I'm sorry, wens" I say spiralling downwards into a pit with my depression catching up on me. "Sorry doesn't cover that Enid, and my name, is Wednesday." She says getting quieter and quieter. I cannot believe I've fucked up so much all because of some stupid boy that I don't want to hurt the feelings of. "Give me one chance. Thats all I ask for." I ask in one last hope to keep the love of my life. "Do what you want. But if you don't break up with him  tomorrow, it's over. For good." She says the first part with no emotion whatsoever, but then a little bit crept back in towards the end, I think that little slither of emotion. May have just saved us.

I am so screwed, how am I going to break up with Ajax. I guess I've got to just do it, I've never done this before, I could text him now, but that's way too awkward. I'm going to have to try and do it in person. But how?

Wednesday's POV:

I can't do it anymore. I love her so much, but she lied to me. I'm giving her one last chance so she better take it. Then maybe, we can live normally, as normal as an outcast can get that is. For now, I'll sleep on it as ever. I just hope my nightmares don't come back.

<time skip>

Enid's POV:

It's time for our lunch break, I decided yesterday this would be my chance, as I don't have to see ajax in any of my later lessons and it means after lessons I can go straight back to our dorm. I'm really nervous. I've never done this before. Shit, he's right there. Okay deep breaths, ah here he comes. "Hi Enid '' he says cheerfully, oh god, he's just made it worse. Rip the plaster off that's all I've got to do, just rip it off. "Hi Ajax. Look, I'm really sorry but I don't think I can be with you anymore." I spit it out all rather quickly, It needed to be said and it needed to be said now. "What? You mean your dumping me?" He asks, a frown covering his face. "Sort of yeah, I'm really sorry, it's nothing personal I've just lost feelings for guys." I say hoping he'll understand. "Oh, okay, thanks I guess. I'll see you later then?" His face showed every last drop of emotion. "Yeah, see you." I turn around, and cry. I run back to the dorm. I've still got most of my break left so I can use this time to get over it. It needed to be done, as painful as it was. It's less painful than dragging it out, I should have done this at the start and not cheated… I hope he doesn't find out about that, that'd be rather disastrous.

Ajax POV:

Damn, that sucks, can't be helped though, at least she was loyal. If there's one thing I can't stand in this world. Its liars. A few tears slip down my face as I walk back to the dinner hall to find someone to spill to, the first person I see is none other than Kent. "Hey dude, what's up man?" He asks seeing my face with a few tears. "Yeah, Enid's just dumped me, can't be helped, I'm alright." I say explaining what just happened. "Oh yeah that must suck seeing her going out with Wednesday"
He says nonchalantly. That doesn't make sense. "What?" I ask, trying to get some clarification out of him. "Oh yeah bro, they've been going out for a few months now, something like that, bit of an unlikely couple if you ask me." Well fuck. She was cheating on me. What a fucking bitch. With none other than Wednesday Addams, I bet she's hypnotised her or something. She can't take my Enid from me that easily. That's not fucking happening, I need her gone. "Wait, she just broke up with you!? Was she cheating on you bro? Wouldn't surprise me if Addams had something to do with this man" he says finally realising what just happened. "Yeah, Addams definitely has something to do with it. She doesn't belong here." I say, a fire igniting in my stomach. I need this bitch gone, no ones going to take Enid from me like that.

<Time skip>

Wednesday's POV:

Lessons have just finished for today, normally I'm all over my studies, but today I was distracted, I head back up to the dorm I've come to know so well, I don't know how to feel right now, I just feel emotionless. I want to feel something. Mostly love really, but anything even depression,is better than nothing.i open the door to the dorm, and I see Enid sitting there on her own, she has a very faint smile on her face. "It's done, he's gone." She says quietly. "Promise?" I ask her, she needs to regain my trust if she wants this to continue. "Yeah, I should have done it earlier, it hurt so much more dragging it out." She says, I can tell she's hurting,but it needed to be done, and she needed to be shouted at. "Good, now never lie to me again." I say sternly. "Does this mean we can stay together?" Enid asks getting straight to the point. "Fine." I say still showing no emotion. She gets up and runs over to me and launches herself at me into a warm embrace. I put my arms back round her and we just stay there for a few minutes holding each other. Quietly hoping we could stay like this forever. But you know what they say about those who live on hope. They die of starvation.

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