dead or alive.

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Enid's POV:

It's just another day in paradise, at the moment we're all in a very slow moving 'history of outcasts'  lesson. The professor is babbling about shape-shifting and how it was used in the 19th century to escape witch trials and other forms of punishment. I look down at my textbook and read through a small section to try and pass the time. It's interesting at points but the majority of this lesson is boring me to death. 

Throughout history, many shape-shifters have used their powers to escape capture and death. In 1852 a woman by the name of Anna-Marie Weems escaped a witch trial by shifting into a passerby she saw and escaped leaving the person she had shifted into to be burned at the stake as the witch hunters and pilgrims believed that they were the real witch. The witchfinder general at the time, William Crackstone, only came to realise his mistake after the body had become nothing but ashes and bone.  

That's actually pretty interesting, looks like the crackstone bloodline is always doomed to fail. I chuckle to myself at this. "Hey wens, have a look at this." I say to my raven haired partner. "Looks like no Crackstone could get the job done." I laugh as she begins to read the paragraph I pointed her towards. She quickly reads over the paragraph and I see her eyes widen slightly before returning to normal. She does this quite a bit I've noticed so I've learnt not to mention it but it's still slightly odd, maybe she saw something. My thoughts were cut off as she began to speak. "That is rather interesting." She says, after only a few seconds obviously not reading the full thing. "You didn't read it all?" I ask curiously, she looks over at me with a blank expression. "Was there more to read?" She responds. "Well yeah, notice the whole crackstone thing?" I ask her pointing towards the bit where it describes the pilgrims' failure. "Oh, yes, that is rather amusing." She says finally reading the whole section. "What had you so interested?" I ask to see why she had stopped reading so soon. "Really? Are you blind, Enid? Principal Weems may not be dead." She whisper shouts at me throwing the book onto the tableaux pointing at the name 'Anna-Marie Weems' wow, Weems' ancestor and she cheated death! "Wait, you're saying that?" I begin to say before getting cut off. "Yes, Weems may have shape-shifted to a different person, we just don't know, we need to investigate this." She says while cracking a small smile. She really loves investigating stuff, and since the whole Hyde thing has died down a bit now there isn't much to investigate for my lover who oh so loves her investigating. And as much as I don't admit it, I love it too. 

<small time skip> 

All our classes have ended now, thank god, we are thinking about how Weems may have cheated death. We've chucked all sorts of theories about it, but they aren't all making sense. The problem is, wens saw her get poisoned, but then again, she didn't have a funeral, and for a woman such as Principal Weems, it seems very unlikely for her not to have a funeral. So maybe, it wasn't her that died. Then it clicked. "Wens! What if someone was posing as Weems!?" I say rather quickly and a bit louder than I intended. "While the theory makes sense Enid, we must also think of who would do something like that for Weems." She says in response raising a fair point. Maybe there's something in her yearbook, maybe Wednesday's mother knows someone? "Wens, what about your mother? Does she know anyone or does she have her old yearbook to try and find something?" I ask her to see if we can at least get this theory off the ground. "Fine, we'll call my mother on the crystal ball." She responds in a slight huff. She acts like she doesn't like her mother but I know that deep, deep down she does. Wednesday tries to set up the crystal ball call, crystal call? I don't know, but she can't get through to her mother. "Blasted thing!" She says in a mood, more of a mood than normal anyway. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" I suggest to her, it normally works with my phone, I've never used a crystal ball though. "Really Enid, hundreds of years of development have gone into making these, I don't think turning it off and on again will do anything." She says as she demonstrates by seemingly shutting off the crystal ball and starting it up again. "Oh, it worked" she says quietly. "So much for all them years of development I guess." I say cheekily with a smirk adorned on my face. Wednesday just makes a face at me as she initiates a call with her mother Morticia. "Wednesday! We weren't expecting you to call, is everything okay?" The tall woman says. "Yes mother, everything is fine, I just want to ask you a few questions about principal Weems." Wednesday says bluntly as ever. "Yes of course darling, anything for you and Enid." Mrs Addams says as my ears and cheeks turn red. "Hi Mrs Addams." I say with a small wave and smile. "Was Weems close with any shape shifters in Nevermore while you were there?" Wednesday asks her mother getting straight to the point as usual. "Well yes dear, back then there were many shape-shifters in Nevermore and most of them joined together as a group." She says, this may let us get somewhere. "Did they have some sort of suicide pact as part of their group?" Wednesday once again asks not letting her mother come up for air. "Well I wasn't in the group, but as I remember it, if any of the group became famous, other members would protect them and not let them die. I think a few of them work at Nevermore now if I remember correctly." She says with a curious look on her face. "Why do you ask?" She asks. "We think maybe Weems isn't actually dead." Wednesday says with her deadpan expression as ever. "It is a possibility" Mrs Addams says, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Sorry dears, I have to go now. My darling husband requires me." She finishes before exiting the crystal ball. "Lovely." Wednesday says in response to her mothers last sentence knowing exactly why her father needs tending to. "At least we know Weems could actually still be alive." I said to her, She hasn't yet given me credit for thinking of this theory so I decided to tease her slightly. "Good job I thought of that theory." I say with a smirk. "Yes." She responds in the most Wednesday way ever. "You'd probably still be thinking of theories without me here." I say keeping on at her. "Possibly." She says again, most people would run away from a girl like this, but I wouldn't have her any other way. "In fact, between my brains and your brawn, I'd say we make a pretty good team." I say to her, still wearing my smirk. "We do, although technically I have both brains and brawn." She says back to me with a small smile. "True, but I have the personality, and! I have that winning smile." I say back to Wednesday  causing her to laugh, not a Wednesday half-laugh but a proper human laugh. "Wednesday Addams, did you just laugh!?" I ask laughing myself while also a bit surprised. "No" she says quickly while turning away, he laugh slowly dying down. "You're lying." I say kissing her cheek before sitting back down and continuing the search for Principal Weems. 

1308 words

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