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Enid's POV:

Being back at school is amazing! I have been going out to Jericho with Yoko more often and we've been talking a lot, we even spoke about a double date! Eeek! However I accidentally told her about Wednesday… I probably shouldn't have but I did and I can't go back. I won't go back. She's so supportive. She's the best best friend a girl could ask for! Thinking about all my friends in nevermore I think of a certain gorgon. I feel so guilty about lying to Yoko too now, but what else can I do?  Just as I begin thinking what to do, my phone rings, shit, it's Ajax

<phone call>

Ajax - hey Enid!

Enid - hi ajax, what's up?

Ajax- well I was wondering since we're back at Nevermore and hadn't seen each other in a while if you'd like to go on a date?

Enid - oh yeah I'd like that.

Ajax - cool cool, see you in the weathervane later!

Enid - ha yeah see you then.

Ajax - I love you sweetheart.

Enid - yeah same to you.

I quickly hang up before he gets the chance to pick up on my behaviour, Yoko looks at me slightly puzzled as she raises her eyebrow. Shit, now I have to make up another lie... "He was just saying about how he hopes I had a good break" I spit out, praying she would take the bait, but due to my luck she obviously didn't. "Bullshit" yoko says walking closer to me "we've been best friends for years I can tell when you're lying from a mile away! So, what's up?" I feel my stomach drop as my heart starts pacing, shit shit shit shit shit. "What do you mean…  I can't believe you're calling bullshit on me!, that is so not cool" Yoko then removes her glasses and glared at me as she once again steps closer, "your lying through your claws", ''Fine"I take in a long deep breath as I accept my defeat.
"IlostfeelingsforAjaxgainedthemforWednesdaydontwannahurtanyonesoimdatingbothofthemandnoneofthemknow" I blurt out all in one breath, Yoko furrowed her brows before speaking "What the fuck was that??? Did you expect me to understand you?" I lower my head as I speak again "I'm dating Wednesday and Ajax and he wants to go on a date later" I flick my eyes up to see that she's looking at me, Absolutely gobsmacked, "YOU WHAT!?" She yells at the top of her lungs, "SHHHH YOKO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! " I yell back before lowering my voice "I don't need the whole of Nevermore knowing!"

<Time skip>

Wednesday's POV:

Nevermore really hasn't changed much, the only difference being less fire and a new principle. One thing that has changed however is Enid, she seems a lot more stressed than usual. I look over at my girlfriend and she seems to be getting ready for something. "You're looking beautiful,  where are you off, to be so dressed up?" I ask. "Me and Yoko are heading out to this new place in town. Just the two of us, hanging out, nothing else." She replies." So why are you so dressed up?" I ask slightly suspicious, she stays silent for a moment before answering. "It's a gay bar!", I slightly giggle, "Don't go kissing anyone else then" I say with a smirk on my face blowing a kiss towards my love.

Enid's POV

Shit, she seemed suspicious then.  I can't let anything slip. I can't lose Wednesday, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, she means literally everything to me. I chuckle lightly at her comment thinking Ajax is probably going to want to kiss me while I'm with him. Shit. That's one thing I WILL NOT do. I'm going to have to play this one out really smartly. "Enjoy yourself, you may not be so lucky when you get back" Wednesday says smirking, "aw no treats for me kitten?" Wednesday turns red at this comment but quickly recovers. "If you come back without a friend ill give you lots of treats, cara mia" fuck. She's won that one, I need to think of something before I get back, to hide my blush I run out the door and start walking towards the town of Jericho.

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