One sided love

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Kent's POV 

The warm touch of the sun on my face, a gentle evening breeze, the comfortable touch of the soft sand between my toes. I take in the evening sun casting shadows along the beach as I passionately reach for the boy beside me gently grabbing the hand of the gorgon. I finally feel at peace and content... Just as I turn to face him the tide begins to rapidly draw in, the waves crashing against each other, as I tighten my grip on Ajax's hand I realise there is nothing there but my own palm. I face to where the boy used to stand taking in the impact of the blood red wave. 

I quickly shot up from my bed, heart racing as I woke from the nightmare that had cast upon me, my hand on my chest as I tried to steady my breathing. I could feel the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, I let out a prolonged sigh, closing my eyes as my heart rate began to return to its resting pace. I gently laid back down on my bed, a single tear falling, "I hope he's okay.. " I whisper to myself, voice breaking slightly. I swiftly grab my phone, holding it close to me before looking at the messages between me and Ajax. He hasn't been online for 2 weeks now… I'm slowly losing faith, I want to believe he's okay but it's hard. I swipe off of the chat, clicking onto Divinas, what're the chances she's awake? I try my luck and send her a quick text,

'Hey, you up?' 

I waited for roughly ten minutes before assuming she wasn't, I turned to my side, putting my phone back on my draws. Letting out another sigh. That is until I was cut off by my phone buzzing, I swiftly grabbed it and answered the phone. 

"Hey Kent, what's up? You're never up this late" my twin spoke with concern. 

"I just had a nightmare about Ajax. I'm really worried about him" I say as my voice breaks again. "I.. I can't stop thinking about him" 

"Shhh, hey listen I'm sure he's fine, he'll come back when he's ready" she spoke with confidence. "Why don't you come down to my dorm and we can have a chat." 

I gently wiped my face before thanking Divina and hanging up. I didn't bother getting changed as I was already in a hoodie and joggers, I threw my trainers on and quietly made my way through the halls of nevermore, luckily for me Divina landed the lottery and didn't have a roommate so I spent quite a lot of time there to get away from anything else, I didn't have a roommate either but she didn't like coming down to mine for some strange reason. She was always there for me when I needed and I couldn't thank her enough. I was walking for about 8 minutes before I finally reached her door, I shot her a quick text and she opened the door within a few seconds, "why didn't you just knock? " she questioned with a grin, "because everyone's sleeping div-ina", she opened her mouth to say something back but ended up nodding instead and opening the door wider to let me in, "well played" she spoke as she closed the door behind me, before sitting on the bed, facing me, " So, spill little bro, what's going through that tiny mind of yours" I lowered my head slightly, tapping my fingers on my thighs. Just then she lightly grabbed one of my hands and spoke as I turned to look at her. "Hey, listen to me. I'm always going to be here when you need to talk, if something is bothering you I'll always be here to help okay? the world's never going to be perfect, but I will always be with you through thick and thin. " she spoke with a soft smile in which I returned before it faded. "It's just... Ajax. He left without a word. Nobody's heard from him in weeks. He's my bestfriend and he never said a single word. I'm worried that he's… he-" I was cut off by the tears that were now rapidly falling, the thought of him being injured or dead hurt me so much. "Take your time", she said in a soft voice. I then looked up at her to which she pulled a face of disgust, "wipe your face Kent." I giggled slightly before grabbing a tissue and wiping my face as I sat back down on the bed before I let out a sigh and locked eyes with my sister, "I'm just scared that he's dead. He means so much to me" her brows furrowed as she tilted her head slightly with a comforting smile before pulling me into her warm embrace, " I'm so lucky to have you as my sister, I really don't know what I would do without you" I softly said to which she agreed, "I could never live without you either ya dork"

<Small time skip> 

Divina's POV

I had been speaking to Kent for a good 45 minutes, the more we spoke the more confident he seemed to be getting about Ajax being okay. He'd fallen asleep on my bed about 10 minutes ago. He's a pain in my backside I swear but at least he's feeling better, even if it's only by a small amount. I know how much he truly loves Ajax even if he doesn't speak of it often, I can kinda relate to his feelings. If Yoko ever went missing I don't know how I would cope, I briefly looked down at Kent before I turned and faced my mirror, god I hope that Ajax is okay, there's only so much I can do for Kent. He always looks to me for guidance but I fear I won't be able to help him forever. He's going to slip from me one day, if that happens I just pray that someone will be there for him, for his own sake. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Kent shot up from the bed, his hand on his chest as he was trying to steady his breathing, "Same nightmare?" I softly spoke to which he nodded his head before placing it on his knees. "I need to go and find him" he whispered, I felt my heart sink with his words. "Kent." He looked up, he had a mix of worry and determination in his eyes, "Divina. I need to find him. Dead or alive. I need to know where he is. " he replied, cutting me off, i've never heard him sound so serious. "Kent. It isn't safe. We don't know anything about what happened to Ajax. If he's hurt or dead the same thing could happen to you. I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen to you. " I said, I felt myself begin to panic, he didn't look like he was changing his mind. "Then don't let anything happen. Come with me, please" I stayed silent, thinking over his words before he spoke again, " I need you", his face began to change into a fearful expression as he awaited my answer. I sighed before speaking up myself, "Can we at least wait until the morning it'll be brighter, the light would make it easier to find him and it would be safer", I really didn't want to go on a wild Goose chase but I can't let Kent go on his own, nor could I talk him out of it, he softly smiled at my answer before tightly hugging me, " thanks sis. I knew I could rely on you". I felt myself slightly tear up at his words as I hugged him back, "no problem Watsonator" I said in a teasing tone hoping to hide the tears I was choking back, I felt him begin to laugh before I heard a small chuckle, "you have the same surname as me genius" he softly spoke between his laughs as he pulled away from me, "Yeah I know but you couldn't think of a half as good name than what I just have ya" I said playfully winking at him, he sat there for a good 5 minutes, quietly repeating the name watson every now and again. 

"Watto! " He quickly said, his voice full of excitement as he finally thought of a name, "did you really just name me after a star wars character." I said with a monotone voice, slightly scowling at him, "That I did" he said looking extremely proud of himself. I raised one of my eyebrows at him, "Right, well I would appreciate going to bed now, especially as we have a job to do tomorrow, will you be okay going back to your room tonight or do you want to stay here?" I said as I slightly tilted my head, he blankly looked at me for a moment before agreeing with going to his own room. As he was leaving to go back to bed he said that he would come back up here tomorrow when he is ready to get going. I really am not looking forward to this but I have to do it for Kent. 

<time skip> 

I had been thinking over the conversations for roughly 2 hours now. I was growing more and more tired but my mind wasn't letting me sleep. All I could think about is how Kent was really feeling. What if it was Yoko? Would I be able to handle this amount of pain the way he is? I made sure to keep myself calm with the thoughts of Yoko. There's no way I could live with that, Kent probably doesn't see it himself but he is actually really strong and he's handling this whole thing really well. I've gotta say I'm proud of him and I seriously hope we can find Ajax, preferably alive. I don't want to see Kent hurting more than he already is. I'm not sure I can handle that level of pain either. 

1689 words.

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