i need you

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Bianca's POV

*Ring ring*

"I'm outside, bring Enid and Wednesday as quickly as you can." Was all Yoko said before she hung up, she was clearly in a panic but she knew she had to focus. I turned on my heel to tell Wednesday we could leave but she already had the bloodied girl in her arms. Her eyes were clearly full of fear, I gave her a quick nod before we sprinted down the halls. The Ravens adrenaline had clearly kicked in as she effortlessly carried the wolf through the halls of nevermore. 

<small time skip> 

The hospital was a good 25 minutes away but knowing Yoko it would only be 10, The vampire beside me was fully focused on the road as she swerved through cars every now and again, the pain written on her face wasn't hard to miss. Enid had been her best friend for years and she wasn't ready to let her go. At that thought I turned to face the back of the car to see that Wednesday was desperately applying pressure to Enid's wrist to the point that her hands were shaking, Enid was unconscious, her breathing was slowing every minute as she lost more and more blood from the multiple wounds Inflicted upon her, I silently watched as Wednesday's face turned into a look of despair, her eyes constantly darting between  Enid's wrist and upper arm, "please hold on" the Raven haired girl whispered as tears began to fall, "I need you" she spoke in a shaky breath. I felt my heart break at Wednesday's words, she genuinely loved this girl, possibly the only person she's ever truly loved and cared for. I studied the two for a few more seconds, Enid was growing paler by the second, her skin turning a sickly grey, "Yoko I need you to speed up please" I quickly spoke, turning towards the red eyed girl. Before I knew it we were way over the speed limit and she was continuously beeping as she sped by any cars in the road. The hospital was now in sight, I swiftly took my seat belt off, ready to help Wednesday out the car. Yoko had sped up and drove straight towards the entrance. Wednesday clung onto Enid as I cautiously leaned over and placed my hands on Enid's back with as much force as I could to keep her secure when Yoko came to an abrupt stop. I hurriedly lept out of the car, Yoko doing the same as we swiftly opened the car door and helped the two girls out of the car before sprinting once more, "Help!" The vampire screamed out multiple times as we entered the building, a few nurses rushed over, one of them quickly speaking on her radio, as they took Enid from Wednesday's arms and rushed down the hallway out of sight. Yoko and Wednesday looked equally distraught, the Raven studying her blood stained hands and clothing, the girl suddenly collapsed, her hands and knees crashing to the ground as her adrenaline subsided, her body had began to violently tremble as she let out a pained wail, her voice laced with despair and anguish. I'd never seen her so vulnerable. Even Yoko had stopped to study the girl's actions, the vampire was frozen in utter shock and fear, as tears stained her face. The ravenette continued to weep, choking out the word please every now and again. I carefully walked towards the girl and sat in front of her. I took in a deep breath as I had to keep myself calm for the sake of the other two. "Wednesday? " I spoke in a comforting tone as I awaited a response but she had just continued to weep, her arms shaking beneath her, threatening to lose every bit of strength that was holding her up. "Wednesday, look at me. Please" I stated in a hushed voice, still no response. I glanced towards Yoko, as the fear began to overcome my calm manner, the vampire's mouth was now covered, her eyes filled with panic and worry for the teenager in front of me. I heard someone approaching and quickly snapped my head in the direction, seeing it was a nurse, she went to speak but I quickly shook my head. I'm assuming she wanted to help Wednesday or check her over but she's in no state to be spoken to or checked over by some random person. Thankfully the nurse simply nodded and walked away. 'Right. Let's try this again' I thought to myself before focusing back on the dark haired girl. "Wednesday, I need you to look at me' I calmly demanded hoping to snap her out of her trance, she had now began to quietly sob to herself as she squeezed her eyes shut before softly meeting my gaze with her glazed obsidian eyes, her cries were barely audible now but I could hear her clear as day, "Wednesday, could you name something you can see?" A choked sob escaped her lips as she tried to speak, with that the girl looked back down but her gaze stayed upon my body rather than the floor, "Name something you see Wednesday" the Raven's eyes scanned the room slowly before she looked back up at me, "your necklace" she whispered, I nodded in response as I have the girl a reassuring smile, "what are four more things you can see?" She looked around again, "chairs, um.. Vending machines" she quietly spoke between sobs, she was still crying but she seemed slightly calmer now, the poor girl was completely out of it, she actually seemed like a normal teenager for once. Surprisingly it's the last thing I want from her right now. "Good. Two more things Wednesday" she looked down and paused for a moment as she stared directly beneath her, shit. "I… E.. m.. my hands and… Enid's blood" she slowly spoke, stuttering as she tried to choke back her tears that were threatening to fall again. I softly grabbed the girl's hands to distract her, "tell me four things you can physically feel" she glanced at my hands before reconnecting eye contact. "Your hands. The cold floor. My clothes." She paused, shifting her body slightly, "Good good, what else. One more thing", " the tears on my face" she spoke slowly, almost like she couldn't believe what she was saying. I briefly turned back towards Yoko, her gaze had softened slightly, her arms were hugging her body as she faced the hallway they had taken Enid down. Tears still ran down her face but she was keeping calm. "Okay Wednesday" I said as I faced her again, " what are 3 things you can hear", she gently removed her hands from mine and placed them in her lap before taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes, "multiple voices, footsteps, a light flickering above us." She confidently spoke before looking up at the ceiling, I felt a small smile rise on my lips, "Right, now 2 things you can smell" she looked at me once again, though her gaze shifted ever so slightly as she lowered her head, her voice had softened again but she remained calm with her words, "Blood. Enid's blood. And cleaning products" my smile faded once again but she didn't break down this time which means we're definitely getting somewhere. "Okay… one thing you can taste", " my tears " she responded almost instantly. Her face was still full with worry and clear sadness but she was stable now, I gave her a soft nod before rising to my feet and helping the ravenette up in the process before walking over to Yoko, "Sweetheart, How are you holding up?" The vampire turned to look at me before breaking down, I gently pulled her into a hug as she sobbed into my shoulder. 

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