The stars are beautiful like you

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Enid's POV. 

I'm currently laying on my bed, I've been here for a really long time now as I'm stuck. Wednesday has been more miserable than her usual self as we recently discovered weems is in hiding and unfortunately for Wednesday there's nothing she can do without endangering weems. So I figured I'd comfort her by cuddling the small Raven haired girl. However, she is now soundly asleep and currently crushing me! The entirety of the right side of my body is tingling, it's a horrible feeling but she looks so peaceful. I've felt like this for roughly an hour now which isn't too bad considering she's been on me for three. I began to carefully and slowly shift my body in hopes that I could slightly move wens and get my blood flow back into the rest of my body, She then shifted in her sleep, oh it's like my prayers had been answered, she was now laying on the actual bed, one of her legs over mine as she buried her face into the crook of my neck, absolutely adorable. Me and Yoko have been secretly planning a little surprise for Wednesday to cheer her up a bit, well back to her usual Gothic self. I was planning on taking her out later today to see the stars, I recently discovered that she's pretty into constellations and what they mean so I figured she'd enjoy star gazing. I'm just hoping we have a nice clear sky tonight. Suddenly there were a couple knocks at the door pulling me from my thoughts, obviously I couldn't get up and answer it so whoever that was had to let themselves in or leave, it was quiet for a couple seconds and then more knocks followed, "Enid? Are you in there?" It was Yoko, funny I was just thinking about her. I realised I couldn't reply without waking Wednesday so I reached for my phone and texted the vamp to come in and just like that the door swung open. "Yoko! " I whisper shouted with a stirn face "sorry sorry" the vamp giggled before looking me up and down with a smirk, "comfy are we? " she said snickering slightly, " no actually I've got insane pins and needles, as adorable as she is she was cutting off my blood circulation " Yoko stared for a minute before replying "Yeah, sounds like something Wednesday would do"  I just rolled my eyes in response as Yoko finally closed the door. Wednesday then shifted again burying her face more as she gripped my shirt. Yoko tilted her head, raising one of her eyebrows. As the ravenett softly whimpered. She must be having a nightmare, it's been happening a lot since we saw Weems. Maybe she's dreaming about the night she saw Weems supposedly die, I'm not sure though as I haven't asked her about it. "Nightmare" I whispered to my friend who still looked extremely confused, she then did the silent "oh" in response. "Anyway what did ya come here for yo?" I said in a low tone. "Oh right, Wednesday" she said to which I just nodded. "You wanted to take her stargazing right? I had a small talk with Divina and Kent '' I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off. "don't worry they don't know about Weems before you go huffing and puffing. Anyway they said they had an old telescope that they use for special occasions. If you wanted, they said you two could borrow it for your little date" I shot her a wide eyed look to which she just nodded, "that's amazing, thanks Yoko! " I said excitedly. Maybe a bit too excited. Wens was now stirring. And a lot, just then she let out a small yawn and to that yoko quietly left before Wednesday fully woke up. "Sorry nessy, I didn't mean to wake you up" She just hummed in response before lifting herself just enough to look at me. She gently kissed the end of my nose "don't worry about it hermosa" she then let out a small giggle. I hadn't realised at the time but I had a huge dopey grin on my face from her actions which she seemed to find amusing. Just then she removed her hands from the bed and crashed back onto my torso taking away any bit of air I had. "Arrghhh" I groaned to which Wednesday once again giggled at. "What was that for?" I said as I grabbed her wrists and sat up, scowling at her. She just shrugged her shoulders with a mischievous grin before slowly tilting her head as her obsidian eyes stared into my soul. 

Wednesday's POV 

"You're in an oddly playful mood and I'm not sure I trust it" Enid said as she moved her head back slightly facing the side still scowling at me. "I'm just grateful you woke me up" I said as I once again shrugged my shoulders. Just then she gasped. Like really really dramatically gasped before smirking. "Wednesday Addams is grateful for being disturbed? Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend!? " she said while aggressively shaking me. I thought for a moment before responding in a deep voice. "I've taken her to some place you will never find" Enid stopped shaking me and raised an eyebrow. "You will never see your precious girlfriend again. She's gone. " I said before repositioning myself, I began to lean in not breaking eye contact with the dove, until I learned close to her ear. "And you're next" I said in a husk before lunging and pinning her to the bed. She was rapidly kicking beneath me in an attempt to get me off, is she genuinely frightened? I asked myself. Slightly releasing my grip as I lowered the rest of my body onto her torso, "are you scared of me Enid?" I questioned in a soft tone, she then stopped fighting, I sat up once again as I studied her face, she was avoiding eye contact. "Enid?" I said completely letting go of the girl and before I could even blink I was on my back and the wolf had placed herself on my stomach. "Why would I ever be scared of you silly? I was just distracting you and honestly I didn't realise you were that gullible Wednesday" I let out a low growl at her words. "I'm not gullible," I quietly said. "Uhhh huh and I'm not a werewolf" at that I snapped my head in her direction and glared at her, she just chuckled before standing up. I sat up at the edge of the bed and glared at her as she walked around the room. "I'm not gullible" I mumbled to myself. "Oh Wednesday get some comfy clothes on, we're going somewhere in a few hours" Enid said as she spun around to face me with a huge smile on her face, I nodded in response as she walked back over to me, she put her hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead before speaking" and for the record nessy I don't believe you are gullible so don't overthink it" she said with a wink before returning to what she was originally doing. I felt my cheeks slightly flush before I shook it off and followed the blonde girl with my eyes, she was looking through my wardrobe. "Enid, why're you in my wardrobe? I thought I was finding myself clothes to wear? " I said in my usual monotone voice, "well yes but I want you to be comfy and you don't exactly have lounge wear so I'm trying to find something I can put together for you" she said before turning on her heel and grinning at me "otherwise, you'll have to wear something of mine" just then she fell to her knees "arrgghhhh nooooo colourrrr, im….im ALLERGIC! AARRGGHH" she yelled, mocking me as she fell to the ground. I huffed in response, rolling my eyes as she smirked at me. "I don't find you amusing Sinclair" "but ya do Addams" she winked again and tended back to my clothes. Honestly, I wouldn't mind wearing Enid clothes. I don't like colour but they smell like her and I feel safe with her. *knock knock knock* Enid skipped over to the door and happily opened it to see Divina and Yoko, "Oh hey guys! " she said in her usually cheery tone, "hey we wanted a quick chat" yoko spoke out, Divina looked over and waved before grabbing enid and closing the door behind them, "weird" 

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