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Regulus' Pov:
I have been betrothed to a rich pureblood but my parents refuse to tell me who or if I know them or not so this year I've been staying distant from everyone as I don't want anyone to see me upset or snappy as my parents didn't know I was gay so they have most likely betrothed me to a girl meaning I'll be miserable. They said me and Sirius are due home tonight to meet my betrothed Siri got married last year to a rich pureblood James Potter and a half-blood Remus Lupin he requested to add Remus in as they had both fallen for him.
So here we are standing on the stairs waiting for my parents to call me which I'm not ready for. As soon as I hear my name I straighten up and walk into the dining room to see the Malfoy family with a smirking Lucius Malfoy staring at me. I kept a straight face and greeted them politely and made it through the dinner then quickly retired to my room for the night but as I reached the stairs I heard Lucius' footsteps coming out of the kitchen so I raced upstairs hoping to avoid him as much as possible.
At least it's a guy which is the only thing I'm thankful for not for the fact it's that pompous arse who thinks he's better than everyone else. I entered my room and less than 20 seconds later there was a knock and I knew it was Lucius of course he didn't have anyone else to torture as I opened my door he instantly walked in without saying a word.
"Look I don't know why you're so unhappy you knew it was me!" He stated dryly and I looked at him confused as all hell. "I told you last year you would be mine!" He smirked and I stared shocked.
"I told you I wasn't yours what don't you get I don't like you I merely tolerate you for my friends." I glared while almost spitting at him walked to my window seat and sat with my legs up.
"I'm guessing your creature still hasn't surfaced then?" He stated dryly and I stared confused.
"What does that mean my family doesn't have creatures." I stared blankly at him expecting a reply but heard Sirius clear his throat.
"I'm guessing he's pissed at you, Luci?" Sirius asked towards Malfoy and I was fuming when Malfoy nodded. "I told you he wouldn't take it well his creature still hasn't come to light even though his birthday was weeks ago!" Sirius said confused and I stared at him expecting answers but none came they just continued talking like I wasn't here.
"Hello? I'm still here would you explain what the hell is happening or do I have to ask our parents." I asked pissed beyond belief.
"Look Reg so our family has a powerful creature inheritance we are known as the kings. Each of us has mates and it isn't uncommon for it to be another pureblood due to our nature mine was two other creatures who are Jamie and Remy. Lucius went through his inheritance around the time I did and discovered he was your mate so he spoke to me then to our parents and we agreed it would be better to have an arranged marriage so no one suspects us of being creatures." He explained to me and I stared at him in shock.
"Get out!" I shouted instantly as I was filled with rage he lied to me and hid this from me.
"Reg I..." he tried but I cut him off.
"Get out both of you!" I screamed and they walked out before I slammed the door and locked it. I heard my parents and Malfoys outside the door asking what happened then my parents knocked but I refused to answer. I went to my tower which is part of my room that my dad and Sirius built me when I was younger it has a view of the whole place, its quiet and nothing can be heard as well and no one else can enter without my say as it has to be my magic signature. As I reached the tower door I heard my door being blown off the hinges and all of them ran up the stairs towards me but I locked the tower door fast before they reached it.
"Regulus open this door immediately!" My mother raged and I growled at her through it. "This is a family we do not ignore each other!" She ordered.
"Oh like we're a family but you all kept a creature inheritance from me as well as lied that I wouldn't get one!" I shouted through the door and they all went silent. I felt a pain start in my back but I ignored it and climbed higher in my tower as I reached the top I lay in my hammock and relaxed before more pain added to the mix. I lay completely still until the pain subsided as I refused to show weakness. As it subsided I knew I had passed out as when I opened my eyes it was sunrise which was hours from when I came up. I stood up feeling an extra weight on my back and looked back to see black angel-like wings with feathers that looked like blades and I was shocked. I walked down to the door and listened for movement so when I didn't hear any I opened the door and made my way down to my bedroom but lucky me everyone was there.
As I walked out of the room I felt eyes on me and turned to see Lucius with love-filled eyes which I had already felt the pull towards him the minute I woke which was why I knew they were still here I just didn't expect they stayed in my room. I continued walking hoping he would follow which he did as I reached my tree outside I sat under it and he stood in front staring at me.
"You can sit you know I won't bite you!" I said with a chuckle and he sat beside me and I cuddled into him as he was warm.
"Did you really hate me before you transformed?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"No I liked you but I knew you were a creature so we would never be together. That's why I was annoyed they lied to me I could have had a chance with you but I never considered it." I explained and he got a look of realisation.
"I'm sorry angel I wanted to tell you but it's against the rules." He whined and I smiled and nodded before leaning up and kissing his lips hard as we started fighting for dominance he was easily able to beat me and I quickly straddled his lap as we broke apart I laid against his and cuddled into him.
"Can I nap here with you or do we have to go back inside where they are all gonna be awake and shouting at me?" I whimpered and he shushed me and told me to sleep which I did after the stressful as all hell day or night.

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