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Neville's pov:
It's been months from I last contacted Harry as he has been far too busy plus we had broken up a few months ago after the war finished and he was grieving. I decided to step away but since then I've went into hiding more or less not communicating with anyone and keeping to myself and my plants. My father had left me a huge manor with gardens the size of the quidditch pitch and green houses the size of actual houses. I feel in love with it and I've been living here but it's getting slightly lonely as I never have company other than my garden plants which I can't have much of a conversation with. I unlocked a nature elf creature inheritance meaning I can speak to and understand the plants and animals but it's not the same as people. I don't have many supplies left to be able to care for all the plants and animals and they will run out within a day or two so I do have to go to Diagon ally or creature ally at least there they won't recognise me as much. So I changed into jeans and a button up shirt before throwing a black cloak over me and deciding to journey to creature ally. As I stepped out of the floo I instantly regretted it as there were so many people I knew in school that must've unlocked their creatures but I kept my hood up and head down as I made my way to the gardening shop to get supplies. As I was looking through the supplies I found everything I needed and asked them to ship them to me which they agreed to do same day as long as it was paid upfront which I gladly did as the boxes were huge and heavy. As I left the store I decided to check the pet shop as I love animals as I entered I seen someone I hoped I wouldn't run into Harry Potter. He instantly turned once I entered and I kept my eyes trained to the floor as I was looking at the different animals along the shelves I heard him walk close to me but I kept walking away. But after a few minutes I heard him growl and grab my arm which I tried to pull away. Within seconds I realised that I was no longer in the shop. "This is kidnapping you know!" I shouted at him as I tried to leave but he grabbed my arm again. "Stop please just let me go!" I pleaded with him. "Neville talk to me! First you vanish from my left now you act like I'm a stranger. We were boyfriends and now you act like I don't exist!" He growled and I looked away. "We broke up that's all goodbye." I stated calmly without hesitation. "That's news to me because I wasn't told about any of this!" He growled like I was keeping some big secret. He started to walk towards me till my back hit the wall and I grew scared. "You changed nev." he stated sadly while pulling hood down. "You look so different so beautiful!" He stated like it's a fact. I looked away from him before seeing the plant on the other side of the room. One thing nature can be unpredictable which is what I am so I quickly made the plant grow and wrap it's vines around his arms so he won't try to trap me again. I smirked at him and seen the longing in his eyes and I knew I couldn't hold him long. "Sorry Harry but we are not meant to be." I stated coldly before running outside with him hot on my heels but the minute I reached the forests edge he grabbed me again. "Your not gonna vanish on my watch! Your mine! Mine to hold! Mine to love! Mine to keep! Understand yet?" He growled darkly which scared me slightly but also made me happy that he was willing to fight for me. He kissed my cheek before pulling me back inside without letting me go even for a second. He pulled me onto the sofa with him and cuddled me into him which made me smile.

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