Blaise x Draco

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Draco's POV:
My family have been high in the ranks of pirates for generations and I have been told I would take over before my 21st but I don't necessarily want to be captain of the ship alone or be betrothed to another pirate family. Father is insistent that I get ready to take over since I'm 21 in just over a year. I already know I wanna rule the sea with Blaise as I've been in love with him since I was 11 but he doesn't feel the same and I refuse to tell anyone then he will be forced to marry me. Our families have been allies for many years so Blaise would be able to see me when we docked at the same port every few months. His mother is quite strict and has killed many men after marrying them to get their money which I think isn't right at least keep your dignity instead of sleeping with at least 10 men in the past 5 years to get their fortunes. Anyway, back to my current position I'm checking the ship as we are sailing through another pirate territory which is just fabulous since it'll result in fighting. I heard rumours a few days ago that the Zambini family sailed through the territory and haven't been heard from since. As I finished the final check before Father guided us into the territory Mother stayed beside me as I knew these were vicious pirates that were bloodthirsty. Once be had reached the center of the territory that's when I saw the Zambini family ship in ruins against the rocks. I instantly pointed at it which caused Mother and Father to realise what I had seen. Father guided us close before nodding for me to check the ship in case there were any survivors. I stayed as quiet as possible as I landed on their deck but I saw splattered blood around and some dead bodies meaning they fought their way through the territory until they crashed. As I climbed through the doorway into the sleeping quarters I heard no movement or life forms but still opened every door just to be sure. As I descended into the lower deck where the cells were I saw him Blaise lying in a cell looking weak but his chest still rose and fell. I rushed over to him but he instantly jumped into a defensive position before realising it was me. I unlocked the cell quickly allowing him to use me for balance as we made our way to the deck. Father quickly spotted us and helped get Blaise onto our ship. "Were there any other survivors?" Mother asked us both in case Blaise knew of any which he shook his head. "No they killed all of them in front of me before dragging me to that cell told me that I'd starve to death before anyone would find me. I thought Draco was one of them returning." He explained in a rush before looking around scared. Father had already left and headed towards the edge of their territory when I saw the ship. It was around the same size as ours but with a few more cannons and weapons attached. "Father speed up they are gaining on us!" I shouted over everyone panicking about the zambini ship going down. I quickly brought Blaise below the deck so he wouldn't have to relive the events from before. "They won't catch us we've always been the fastest in all of the oceans Blaise," I smirked at him and he nodded with a small smile. "I thought I'd die without telling you that I love you! I thought I'd lost my chance with you! I thought I'd have to watch you from beyond get married and start a family!" he exclaimed looking down almost like he was going to cry. "When I saw you in that cell I thought I'd lost you. I thought you were dead Blaise I thought that I would never be with you because I waited too long. Then I saw your chest rise and fall which is why I rushed towards you. I love you Blaise Zambini." I told him kissing his cheek with a smile. "I will always love you." I smiled before pecking his lips and walking above deck to ensure everything was going well knowing Blaise was cursing my name.

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