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Smut warning!!!
Fred's pov:
George and I were in a big club for its grand opening and we're having the time of our lives except a group of guys kept hitting on me and it was making me extremely uncomfortable but they wouldn't listen when told to stop. I kept moving away from them but they wouldn't stop following me which was giving me the creeps. As I was dancing beside Georgie I felt someone grind against me and I jumped away from them and spun just as I seen a fist connect with the guys face. "Keep your filthy hands off my boyfriend asshole!" I heard someone growl and smiled at him. As he quickly dragged George and i outside of the club. "What do you think your doing here this isn't a place you both should be!" He whisper shouted at us. "What we can't be at a club when we are 25?" George asks and Malfoy shook his head. "This isn't just a simple club okay it's my club I own it and I don't want either of you to get hit on by anyone but me got it?" He growled and I had to hide the smile on my face. "Why we aren't actually dating remember or did you forget that?" George growled at him using his previous words against him.  "Quit it George or so help me I will drag your arse to my office and you can see how wrong you are!" He growled and I smirked at him. "Oh but you can't do that as you said we can't go into the club and plus we are meeting people who will help us enjoy tonight." I purred out knowing how possessive he is from when we were casually together then he told us we weren't dating and that we shouldn't forget that so George and I left that day and never went back. But anyway after I said those words I felt myself being lifted over his shoulder and George being dragged behind. As we got upstairs in the club he shoved the door open and slammed it once we were inside. He quickly threw me into his chair while pinning George to the wall knowing that I like to watch George get fucked. "You both will learn your lesson today you belong to me! Not some man whore me! Your my bitches my sluts to do with as I please understand!" He growled and George nodded. "Sure we are yours but you will never be ours isn't that how it goes?" I growled at him and he looked at me guiltily. "Fredrick I've been yours from the day and hour I first kissed you I've never been with anyone else! I've loved you both since we first kissed and I got scared that what I felt was too strong and that you both just wanted to stay casual so I pushed you away but I never stopped loving you both." He explained to me and I sat shocked. "I get if you both wanna leave and never come back now you get it I would run away too." He said as he walked over to the sofa by the window. I quickly got up and went after him as did George. "Dray we love you too that's why we were heartbroken when you said we weren't dating and that's why we left because we got too attached." I explained and he looked at me shocked but smiled. "Thank god because I can't live without either of you!" He laughed as he kissed me deeply while palming me through my jeans. "Fuck Freddie these jeans leave little to the imagination!" He panted our and I smirked. "I know I was trying to get fucked by Georgie tonight." I laughed and he gave a confused look. "I thought you both were meeting up with people tonight?" Dray questioned and George laughed "last time we slept with someone other than each other was you Dray." George told him and he stared shocked. "You trickster shits!" He shouted as he pulled me up and kissed me roughly before repeating the action with George as he pushed George down on the sofa and I quickly got up and walked to the chair at the desk and rolled it closer to watch. As they broke apart they looked at me. "What I wanna watch this round and not be involved then next round I'll be involved!" I shouted like it wasn't a big deal which they chuckled at and dray waved for me to come over. "Yes?" I asked and he smiled before whispering in my ear and I shivered and agreed. Before retreating to get what he wanted from his desk. "Still not wanna be involved this time?" Dray called and I laughed. "Fine I will only because it's so tempting. Dray quickly vanished all our clothes and blindfolded George and tied his arms above his head with his tie before I handed him the whipped cream and chocolate sauce that he asked for. As one thing all three of us love is food play especially whipped cream on Georgie's chest and being able to suck it off as George bucks his hips because it feels so good.  Dray thrusted into George which caused him to moan and buck his hips up then dray sprayed the whipped cream and chocolate sauce on Georges right nipple before sucking it off and I could tell George was about to cum already before anything else happened. I quickly climbed onto him and lowered so I was right on his dick before dropping down causing him to scream out at the same time I did. But I quickly grew worried as we were right above a club. "Calm down Freddie the room is sound proof." Dray said and I calmed dow before taking George's blindfold off and started to ride him while staring him straight in the eyes. Dray reached round and started to stroke me as he helped me bounce up and down on George as he thrusted in and out of him so George was getting double the amount of pleasure. I heard George moan our names as he came inside me and Dray and I came seconds later just from the feeling of George cum. As Dray expanded the sofa so we could all lay down we were drained of all energy. "I haven't seen your reaction that bad to getting food eaten off you from our first time George." Dray said to him and we both smiled. "This is the first time from we stopped seeing you two years ago Dray." I told him and he looked at us shocked before looking down. "Oh sorry I didn't realise." Dray said looking down and we smiled. "We stopped because it was our thing with you and we didn't wanna be reminded." I explained and he looked away. "How about we start off this time with this do you both wanna be my boyfriends?" Dray asked and we both nodded fast while hugging him in the middle of us. "We love you Dray!" George and I said together and Dray smiled. "I love you both too!" He called as we all drifted to sleep.

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