Andromeda x pandora

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Andromeda pov:
I'm what's known as the schools bad girl in Hogwarts high school. Everyone fears me because my family are rich and I'm what's known as a big troublemaker but there's one cutie in this school I would give up my reputation and fame for which is Pandora Rosier she is the most adorable girl on this planet and I would willingly give my life for her. Only problem is that lovegood wants her too and I know she will chose him over me any day as he is one of her friends as well as he has just as much as my family. So here I am sitting at lunch watching as lovegood asks out the one girl I have fallen for. "Pandora Rosier you are one of my best and closest friends and I have fallen for you so will you go out with me!" He announced to her in front of the entire dinning hall. Her brother and my cousin who are sat next to me started pissing themselves laughing which confused me. "Xenophilius I'm sorry but I don't like you like that or any guy for that matter." She said sweetly and his face turned from a smile to a sour face. "So you have just been leading me on thinking it was fun!" He shouted and she looked away like she was going to cry. "Hey lovegood that's enough obviously she didn't know you liked her how's that her fault? Your the one who made a public love display then got aggressive when you realised your feelings weren't returned." I shouted pissed that he tried to blame her which he quickly turned white before grabbing his things and leaving. I quickly grabbed pandoras things and brought her over to her brother who looked thankful at me and I smiled at him before walking back to my place. As the day continued it was uneventful other than a bunch of people making rumours of the reasons I stood up for Pandora. As I was walking back towards my dorm room in this shit private school after my final class of the day. "Andy wait up!" I heard Reggie call from behind me and seen him, Pandora and her twin Evan. "What's up Reggie?" I asked as they caught up and started to walk with me. "Thanks for defending me andromeda." Pandora said sweetly and I smiled at her. "No problem little angel." I stated while continuing to walk and heard a squeak from Pandora. "Don't tease my friend Andy she don't need to me flirted with just because you can." Reggie growled and I stopped before turning to him. "When have I ever flirted with anyone Reggie especially a girl? Don't assume just because of my reputation that I'm going to mess with her plus when have I ever defended anyone?" I asked him and he looked shocked before nodding as we continued into the common area of the dorms. "Sorry Andy we are just over protective." Reg said as he looked down and I chuckled. "It's fine also where's Barty he was supposed to be grabbing me my chocolate from honey dukes?" I asked and Evan smirked as Barty walked through the door. "Finally some service in this place thanks Barty!" I stated as I turned to walk away. "Andy you need to pay him!" Reg called and I chuckled as I turned right at the bottom step. "I already did or him and ev wouldn't have a beautiful date planned out wouldn't you not Barty." I smirked as Reg looked at them as Barty gave me a thankful nod. "Can I talk to you andromeda please?" Pandora asked and I nodded beaconing her to follow me which she did as we reached my room she noticed my name was the only one on the door. "Yes I room alone little one." I told her before she asked and she nodded before coming in behind me. "So what's the matter little Angel?" I also curious and she looked at her hands as she started to fidget. "Um okay so um I kinda sorta maybe like someone." She said and I gave her a look that asked why she was telling me. "Is that someone me angel?" I asked and she nodded her head fast before looking down again and I chuckled. "Your absolutely adorable baby girl!" I said as a smiled at her. "I like you too idiot." I said with a smile and she jumped up to hug me tightly. I kissed her sweetly and she moaned into it before she lay down on my chest to have a nap which I found adorable.

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