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Evans pov:
I've known who my mate was for 3 months which I'm fuming as Barty is 3 months older than me meaning he's know for a total of 6 months and has refused to tell me or acknowledge me for the past 6 months. I want to just scream at him to stop ignoring me but at the same time I know he never will as he's probably terrified of it. I know going through a creature inheritance can be stressful and scary especially for a submissive but I would at least like to keep him as my friend until I found out. But I've tried to talk to him which he seems to fear me as he literally ran away so fast. I've tried to send him letters and again nothing I'm running out of options which I don't wanna corner him and stop him from running but I'm at that point. As he entered the dorm I stayed quiet on my bed till he got further in the sent a spell at the door which would lock it and silence the room so he couldn't run or scream for anyone to open the door. Once he heard the door close he ran towards it trying to open it but eventually figured it was useless. "You gonna talk yet?" I asked which he walked to his bed and sat down staying as quiet as possible. "Barty please?" I asked him but he stayed quiet. "I know I'm your mate okay I've known for months but I hoped you would come talk to me. You didn't you ignored me avoided me made me feel useless and like I lost the boy I loved." I told him which he spun around with those words. "You mean it? You love me?" He asked which I nodded getting a huge smile from him. "My Evan I get my Evan and I get cuddles and kisses from my Evan!" He started to cheer which I found adorable but then his face went dark and he crawled back onto his bed. "Bart talk to me!" I called which he whimpered at. "Don't be angry at me I was scared you would hate me and reject me but dad said when you find out you would punish me." He whimpered which I almost cried at. "Barty crouch jr I would never hurt or punish you for being scared I knew you were and you not talking to me was because of fear. I only resulted to cornering you in here because I couldn't think of anything else." I explained which he let a sigh of relief out before coming over and curling into my side. "My mate my forever my everything." I whispered into his ear which he purred at. "What creature are you ev?" He questioned which I smirked. "Incubus little one."
I told him and he blushed a dark red. "Don't worry I can go weeks without needing anything sexual." I explained which he nodded in understanding. "I'm a griffen shifter!" He shouted happily which just made me smile kissing him deeply. I knew that his moans in the kiss would make me want him more but my creature and I knew he wasn't ready to take that duty so we kept it sweet before pulling away and cuddling him in my bed. "Goodnight my mate." I whispered as he started to purr in his sleep.

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