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Sirius' POV:
Recently my parents have been incredibly pissed off as andromeda married a muggle born so my parents have disowned her from our family after she lied and told us a different story as if she said the truth they might have accepted her but she lied and caused them to lose trust in her so now she is disowned and banished. My parents asked if I would marry someone to try stabilise the family name from the crime committed and I agreed as I'm bored and got nothing better to do with my life the question that startled me was they asked if I was gay which I am but didn't expect them to ask such a thing. They smiled as I said it then turned and left which was concerning as they are so constructed to certain mindsets I didn't know how they would feel. They came to me this morning explaining that they found a pureblood family that want an arranged marriage between their son and their son is bisexual so he doesn't care whether he marries a boy or girl which I'm thankful for. They said they had invited him to stay for the next few days until we bond with each other as if we don't this won't work. I heard a loud knock on the door and Reggie walked into my room with a smile and dragged me downstairs. "Greetings I'm Sirius Black it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I introduced with a slight bow and Reggie bowed with me as he's still basically a child and doesn't understand much. "This is Regulus Black second born." My mother told them as they gave Reggie confusing looks. "Greetings I'm James Potter pleasure to meet you Sirius and Regulus Black." He introduced and bowed to me then Reggie and reg giggled at him. That's when I knew that he was good as it's rare to see Reg get on well with others as he's usually stand offish due to not liking people so to see him so friendly with my soon to be partner then I'm fine with him. "Would you like to come with me and your brother to talk or would you prefer to stay with your parents?" James asked and I smiled. "My Siri please!" Reg said as he looked at me with a smile. "Good I need someone to protect me from the evil monsters upstairs." I told him and Reg smiled before running ahead of me and I smiled and chuckled with James. "He's adorable!" He whispered to me and I nodded in agreement. As we reached the room beside mine with James would be staying in we seen Reggie checking the wardrobe and under the bed and I chuckled at him. "Okay little man you have to give our guest privacy even if you lack it with me!" I chuckled while tickling his tummy and he released a loud giggle before running off down the hall to his room. "So you two are pretty close I take it?" James asked with a smile as he sat on the bed. "Yeah our parents are usually busy and rarely have time for him so me and kreacher raised him." I told him and he nodded but I seen the slight confusion. "Kreacher is our house elf the only one that Reggie will listen to and that I trust with my brother as there are many twisted people who wish to hard my brother and I due to our status." I explained and he nodded in understanding. "How about a walk around the garden it seemed very beautiful on the way in and regulus could use a bit of fresh air." James asked with a smile and I smiled and nodded. "I'll call Reg." I told him as I walked further into the room and James gave me a confusing look and I smirked. I walked over to the corner and knocked on the wall and the air vent opened with Reggie stepping out. "Yes?" He asked confused as to why he was called. "James asked if you wanted to go to the garden for fresh air?" I asked and he looked at James with a face of pure happiness. "Yes I'd love to but only if it's not too much bother I know adults prefer space." Reggie said and I smiled. "Regulus I want to be with your brother and if that means I get to have an adorable little munchkin running with us then I'm fine with that as well as I love to play around in the garden and i dont know if your brother can keep up!" He told Reggie and reg laughed and ran out holding James hand as I shook my head and followed out. I quickly caught up with James. "Thank you I really appreciate it!" I told him with a kiss on the cheek as Reg stopped because we reached the garden. "Always I didn't say anything untrue I'm keeping you both." He told me and kissed me deepening the kiss. I am falling in love with him hard for one reason and that's he already get us both to trust him and that's an achievement on its own.

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