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Theo's pov:
Over the past few years the ministry has reverted back to their old ways of finding partners for everyone which was a spell that allows as each person to gain the name of their soulmate with their location. This method works wonders as it also ensures that nobody is alone but it isn't effective when the partner decides to cheat as each person only get one partner for life and if they don't cherish them then they lose them forever. I have just turned 25 meaning that I already have or had a partner and let's say they were unfaithful to me. When I caught them I hexed them both and called aurors who arrested them for going against the system. The other  persons partner was quickly notified and they sent a letter sending their apologies which I found sweet even though it hasn't their fault. I've been lost in thought about this issue as I've been writing to the other persons partner for months now and they seem genuinely nice which I've found cute  since none of it was their fault. They refused to give me a name or gender so I've been just using the name cutie from the first letter he sent. As I was thinking the sound of their owl knocked me out of my thoughts as well as another. I decided to open the second letter first hoping that it would be the reply I hoped for.

Dear Mr Nott,
I am writing to report that your situation has been taken into account and we have discussed what to do about the partners of the two individuals that committed adultery. As you said you have been writing to the boyfriend of Mr Zambini and we have decided to allow if you please to have a relationship with Mr Longbottom as long as both parties agree. We deeply apologise about not stopping the adultery from happening to you both and wish you the best for the future.
Best wishes
Ministry of magic
Department of Legal affairs

As I finished reading the letter my smile broke out as i got the name of the cutie I've been writing to and as I thought about it. That boy is adorable I just wish he would trust me with his name. But I decided to open his letter as he will stress if I don't send a reply.

Dear Theo,
I apologise for not trusting you with my name or gender but what happened between me and Blaise was very traumatic and has made me rethink how I see myself. As he wouldn't have done any of this if I was good enough for him so I decided to keep it a secret in hopes that you would like me regardless of my gender or who I am. I know that your family is pureblood but so is mine so do not worry about that factor. I do wish that I could be loved for who I am but it's unlikely as Blaise and I were together before the soulmate names went out so it has nothing to do with him being forced into it.
Best wishes

I chuckled at the nickname but I was pissed at why he would think he isn't good enough but I knew where he was and he angered me by that letter and I refuse to allow him to believe that. I decided to venture to his house as I've been before while I was with Draco and Harry as that's how Blaise met Pansy. Though Blaise never acted like he was dating Neville he acted like they were strangers. As I knocked on the door I heard a bang from inside then a curse before the door opened with a panting Neville looking panicked. "I'm so sorry Theo I wasn't expecting you today what can I do for you?" He asked and I smiled nicely but I knew he could tell from my eyes I wasn't happy. "Neville Franklin Longbottom you say anything like that again and I will put you in Azkaban for disrespecting my cutie!" I stated calmly but sternly and he looked so confused. "The letter cutie!" I called and he looked completely shocked. "How did you...?" He asked but trailed off as I chuckled. "Your adorable plus I wrote a letter to the ministry and they told me who you were though the letter was not specifically about you." I explained and he tilted his head confused like a cute puppy. I walked closed and pecked his cheek then lips and he stood shocked. "But I thought you wouldn't want me?" He questioned and I chuckled. "Why wouldn't I? Your adorable, kind, strong, brave and the best person I know Blaise was a fool to let you go." I told me and he pecked my lips with a smile before running off resulting in me chasing him around his manor.

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