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Bartys pov:
It's been a few months since Reggie stopped talking to me and completely blanked me out at any attempt I made which pisses me off. Nobody will tell me what's happening with him or if he's alright not even if I did something wrong I'm completely in the dark. He even moved dorm rooms to get away from me but yet no one will tell me how to fix it. So I came to my last resort which is desperate for an answer so I went to his big brother even though he hates me. I found him in the library with Lupin so I approached carefully incase he tried to launch at me. "Hey black Lupin can I speak to you both about regulus?" I asked and Sirius smiled and nodded for me to sit which was unexpected. "What's up crouch?" Black asked and it gave me a sense of relief. "So regulus has been ignoring me for a few months and no one will give me a straight answer why and he even moved out of the shared dorm room." I explained and they looked at each other then back at me. "Barty, i dont know how to put this but Reggie was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months ago. He's distancing himself so that you won't see him deteriorating infringe of you. He was given only a year to live I'm sorry." Sirius explained and I felt the colour and life drain in my body. I jumped up with the chair scrapping across the floor and falling as I ran out of the library. I raced through the corridors down the stairs along the dungeons to an abandoned classroom that I know Reggie goes to relax. As the door hit the wall I heard a squeak from regulus as he looked up from his book. "How dare you Regulus Arcturus Black!" I shouted as I stormed into the room and the door slammed shut locking as the hinges connected again. He looked startled and that's when I seen his features had sunken in and his hair had started to fall out. It was noticeable if you were around him often I then seen his eyes. He looked dead inside like he didn't wanna live like this any longer. "How dare I what Barty?" He questioned. "Why didn't you tell me you had cancer? You should know better than to hide it from me did you think I would forget about you when you died or did you think that I wouldn't care?" I questioned as my voice got louder and louder until I was just below a shout. "Barty look I didn't wanna cause you pain because I'm in love with you! I have been for years and I didn't wanna cause you any pain." He replied and looked down and i smiled so wide anyone would be able to see. "I love you too Reggie but I'm still angry at you!" I growled but stomped over to him and kissed him while sulking and he chuckled and cuddled into me. "Even if I only have a few months as your boyfriend it'll be the best few months of our lives!" I told him and he smiled at me while we cuddled and read his book.

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