Chapter 4

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The next morning when they woke up chan told her they have to meet up with JYP to explain to him what is going one between them. Thanfully that wennt well and he told them it was ok as long as we could keep it a secret. On the way back they took a taxi.

"I am sorry may i ask a question?" said the taxi driver.

"Yes" replied chan

"Are you two Bangchan and Yujin from stray kids?" asked the driver and they both nodded.

"When we get there could i please have an autograph? My daughter is like your biggest fan. She told me her dream is to meet you all." the taxi driver continued

Then Yujin spoke "May i ask if we can meet your daughter she sounds wonderful." the driver gasped and chan smiled at her.

"Yes of course. We actually live next to you dorms could i call her to come down when we arrive" again they nodded

The ride passed smoothly and they called the members to come down.

"Hello sweety do you want to come down to the street i have a suprise for you" said the taxi driver to his daughter through the phone and she probably answered yes because the man smiled.

Five minutes later a 12 year old girl with brown hair saw us standing outside her doorstep and did something Yujin would remember for the rest of my life. She came straight to me and hugged me. She told me I was her bias and she knew about the hate i was getting and that the people who hate on me are stupid. After that we took a picture signed her albums and said goodbye that meeting really made my day a lot better.

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