Chapter 27

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Finally they had finished recording the title track for the album so it was time to start learning the choreography. They still had about 3 months which was just enough time.

Yujin was quite sluggish that day, maybe because she only had eaten a banana and an apple the whole week or maybe because she really disliked the new dance teacher. She had lost an insane amount of weight and was really thin, she wore baggy clothes and avoided skinship so her members wouldn't know

She couldn't really focus and her members knew she wasn't okay. They couldn't do something at the moment so they just kept speaking with words of courage. The dance teacher though didn't care she wasn't okay, he just thought she was lazy.

"Guys take 5 Yujin come here. Why can't you get this right? It's literally so easy you fucking idiot" he whispered the two last words. "Focus more and be better" he added

Some more hours of practicing passed and the teacher spoke again.

"Everyone take a break i have to talk to your guys' manager Yujin as soon as i get back i. red to talk to you." he said and left. Yujin continued practicing until he came back.

The dance instructor found their manager and talked to her.

"Hello, i would like to ask you if we should put Yujin on a diet so she can lose some weight and dance more freely." he asked

"Yea sure but keep in mind she is really thin so not anything crazy just tell her to cut carbs a little bit" the manager said and he nodded.

When he came back he talked to Yujin in private.

"So we have noticed your recent weight gain and to help you dance more freely you will be going in a diet. You are way too fat and ugly so starve yourself until i say is okay. After practice ends i want you to stay." he said harshly

"O-okay sir"

She went back in and looked at herself in the mirror. 'Guess i am fat' she thought.

When practice ended Yujin stayed behind and continued to dance. The instructor had left the room and suddenly came in again. He started hitting the girl that was dancing, leaving marks. She was really surprised and started running only to notice that the door was locked.

"No one will save you now bitch"

The man came closer and started punching her resulting in her falling down. At this point yujin was screaming for help terrified for her life. He hit her multiple times with the stick even going as far as ripping apart her tshirt to reach more skin to hurt. Yujin was sitting there helpless in the corner of the practice room with a sports bra on and some sweatpants trying to cry for help. The last thing the man did was grab her arm and put his nails in her skin making her scream from the pain. The dance teacher left and Yujin was all alone in the room trying to gather all her energy to leave.

Finally she managed to get up and leave the room but accidentally bumped into someone.

"Yujin?" the older boy said.

"Oh hi younghyun!" she said trying to be as joyful as possible.

"Yujin what's wrong y-your arms are full of marks and you are bleeding almost everywhere. You even have bruises, did someone hurt you?"

"No it's nothing" she said, at this point tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. She didn't cry that often, only her members ever saw her crying and that was something rare .

"Yujin-ah don't lie to me i know you very well to understand you are hiding something come here and tell me" he opened his arms signaling for the girl to hug him. He hadn't noticed how slim she had gotten as she put another over sized tshirt on until the girl crashed into his embrace.

"the new dance instructor, he hit me but please just ignore it i will be okay" she said

"Love, you have bruises and marks everywhere and you are really slim, please take care of yourself more! where are your members did they go back to the dorms?" he asked and she nodded. Young K quickly pulled out his phone and dialled chan.

"Hey what's up?" the voice on the other side was heard. Just hearing his voice made Yujin feel better. she smiled as soon as the boys' voice was heard and felt safe, as if she was in his arms, holding him tight.

"I don't want to worry you but your new dance instructor beat yujin up i don't think she is okay" he said

" where are you ?" he asked anxiously

"We are at the JYP building , i will bring her back to your dorms" he said

"Come one sweetie get on my back" the male said and Yujin did as instructed.

They went outside and it was snowing, couples everywhere laughing and spending time together while Yujin was on the back of her senior on the verge of passing out. The two received a lot of stares,it wasn't everyday you saw a well known idol on the back of another one, with stains in her face from tears and bruises everywhere. Photos where taken, fans were worried.

Soon they arrived at the dorms and young k left. Yujin entered and was greeted by the warm embrace that she loved and missed.

The two hugged for a good 10 minutes with chan and yujin trying their best not to cry. Then the boy took care of her, treated her wounds and kissed her forehead, not forgetting to give her a blanket so she could rest and left.

"What happened to her" asked the second oldest member.

"The dance teacher, h-he hit her a-and h-hurt her" their leader struggled to speak. He kneeled down on the floor and started crying. They almost never saw him crying, as much as he trusted them all he never cried so he could be there for others, he used to hide his emotions but it was too much. All the hate, the thought of his love hurting broke him he wasn't a super human after all nor a robot, he was just a normal human with feelings. All the boys came around him and hugged him.

"Don't cry hyung it's okay what can we do to cheer you up?" asked the maknae.

"Nothin jeongin, i don't need to cheer up i just need someone to listen to me. Don't minimise my pain" he said. Jeongin was absolutely shocked, he didn't intend to do that but that was what he did. He felt bad but also understood what his leader was saying, that he didn't need to cheer up, he needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to be there for him, like all of us do sometimes.

A/N: Hello everyone sorry for the emotional chapter, i hope you enjoyed though

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