Chapter 17

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- 3 of May, 2014

After two very stressful auditions, Yujin was finally accepted into JYP. She had just moved to South Korea alone, at the age of 13. She really had no one, no one knew this decision of hers because no one ever supported her, nobody cared about her, not even her own parents.

Yujin walked into the JYP building looking around. At first she was a little bit intimidated of all the people around her but she was sure, this was the start of something big.

"Hello, how could i help you?" asked the lady at the front desk with a bright smile.
"Um hello, I am one of the new trainees. Could I please have my schedule?" Yujin replied.
"Oh yes I was informed about this. Actually you are the only new trainee accepted. Park Yujin right?" she said giving Yujin her schedule receiving a nod from the girl.

After that Yujin started walking towards the practice room were she had dance class.

The next two years of her training were normal. She had no friends, almost everyone was quite intimidated from her skills. 

One day, i believe it was the 4th of January 2016, she got out of her dorm and as usual and started walking to JYP entertainment. It was really early in the morning, 4 am and no one was around. She always got up early to train as every time she trained she felt like her dream was one step closer. At this time normally no one was outside, only a few young adults who were going back home after some drinking. That day was different though, she saw a boy that she had seen at the company many times walking the same way she was going. She immediately knew he was going to the building for the same reason she was. She really wanted to run up to him and talk to him but she needed to keep the energy for dancing. 

Yujin decided to walk over to the boy who stopped to tie his shoelaces and say hello, hoping that as he also was a 'loner' they would make good friends.

"Hello" she said nervously
"Oh hey" he said and did his best to smile. Yujin noticed how pretty he was.
"Are you also a trainee at JYP i think i have seen you around." the girl said
"Uh yes i am. Why are you heading at the building at this hour you should be resting." he said, in a caring father like way and stood up after tying his shoes making Yujin look tiny.
"I-I always go there early, i have gotten used to it. When i first joined the company the dance teacher instructed me to have a new motto in life, practice more eat less. She told me if i didn't do that i would fall behind and never debut." the girl spitted out and the boy next to her immediately without thinking grabbed something from his backpack and gave it to Yujin. It was some cookies.

"Here eat this, my mom recently came to visit from australia and made these" he said smiling
"Thank you so much. I'm Yujin whats your name?" she said
"Chris. I would love to be friends with you i-if you want of course" he said and she nodded smiling.

They started walking together to the company and separated as soon as they got inside, each one heading to a different practice room.

Yujin got inside the room and looked at her phone, it already was 4:50 so she started practice.

She danced for half an hour and then had a 2 minute break, repeating this until she was exhausted and couldn't continue. When she was done it at about 9 in the morning 30 minutes before her dance class. It was Saturday so she had no school so she decided to go grab something to eat.

After reminding herself she ate that cookie in the morning and not eating anything, she walked towards the practice room. There she noticed their dance teacher Ms. Kim was not there. Instead a cold looking man was standing in the room.

"Hello trainees. My name is Mr. Kang and from now on I will be your dance teacher." he said with a cold voice.  Yujin was sad that they wouldn't have Ms. Kim anymore, but she still had hope as she couldn't judge the new teacher from just a first impression.

After some very quick introductions, they started the practice as normal. The other trainees were doing fine meanwhile Yujin was getting nauseous. At some point in the choreography Yujin tripped over while feeling light headed. After some scolding she tried to get up but she felt awful, tired and overworked.

"C-can I please leave and g-go rest, i feel really sick." she said and Mr. Kang laughed ironically.
"Good joke walrus. You are fucking fatter than an elephant do you really think you will ever debut like that? Let me tell you, you won't and how are you going to lose weight? Practice MORE and not leave practice to go eat with the excuse you feel sick." he said. The rest of the trainees started feeling concerned for the girl. They were competitive towards each other, but of course they all were humans after all. As soon as the teacher turned his back Yeji a trainee Yujin was somewhat close with came to help her get up.

So they continued practice and when they were done Yujin collapsed, literally on the floor. She was breathing heavily and she felt ill. Every one left the room, but still she remained there on the verge of passing out. After some minutes though she did. She passed out in the floor of a room no one was in, helpless.

Later someone walked into the room. It was a boy, around the same age as her that gasped when she saw her body lying on the floor. He started panicking and immediately went to call chris who he had seen hanging out with the girl before.

"Hyung please come to the practice room on floor 2 i have no time to explain" he said panicking.
"Uh ok sure." the other boy said and started running to the practice room. As soon as he entered he panicked, seeing the girl he had previously made friends with collapsed on the floor. He looked over to his friend Jisung.

"Is she breathing?" he asked

"I didn't check" Jisung replied and they both run up to the girl.

"What is happening here?" a voice they didn't reckognise was heard from behind.

A/N: Flashback chapters time! Sorry for not updating for so long but i have my exams and they aren't even done yet i just needed some time to rest so i wrote this. So basically from now on i will mix some trainee storys with the actual storyline so it will probably be around every two chapters a flashback. Also i decided that i will try to make my chapters shorter and update more regurarly.

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