Chapter 35

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After her friends death, Yujin was not in a good mood for a few days. In the concerts she still gave it her all and STAY admired her for how strong she was even after what happened. Her members all understood and were the only thing that kept her going.

Yujin was just binge watching some YouTube videos when one pointing out how she looked awful, tired and exhausted in a recent concert popped up. She sighed and watched the video. It pointed out how even if she gave her best she made a few mistakes. People in the comments were supporting Yujin saying that she lost someone she loved a lot, of course she's gonna be sad.

Days passed and around their second Saitama  concert she was feeling much better.

"Stay! How are we all feeling today?" She asked when it was time to do her little solo cover stage. Stays cheered like crazy

"Today I'm gonna sing for you a song I really like, it's fairly new and I think you all will know it. Let me give you a hint I want to see if you can guess. It's sang by someone I really admire and wish to be like. Can you guess? Ladies and gentlemen Lilac by IU! Wait before I start bare in mind I'll by no means sing it as good as the queen herself aka IU." She spoke softly and chuckled with love in her eyes, looking at the people that supported her. She started singing the song while the boys backstage were listening to her.

"When does she even find the time to prepare this?" They laugh

"She just picks a song sings it a couple of times during the day and boom. Sings it perfectly in a concert" bangchan shrugs.

After the concert they headed to their hotel we're Yujin went to the 24 hour gym. There she exercised.

At some point she was doing squats when she felt someone stare at her. She ignored it and kept going. After a few minutes without her realising an older guy came behind her. He grabbed her butt as she jumped in surprise.

"Please don't touch me!" She spoke to the older man.

"Hmm but you're so beautiful babe I want you so much" he said and Yujin started getting terrified. She got her stuff and started running. The guy couldn't run fast so she had an advantage. She turned in a hallway we're she saw hotel rooms. She knocked on one and an old lady opened the door for her.

"Please let me come in some weird guy that touched me inappropriately is chasing me!" Yujin said while panicking.

"Oh my god come in" the lady opened the door for Yujin letting her in. Tears where running down Yujins cheeks. "You're safe now sweetie don't worry" the lady tried to calm her down.

"Thank you so much." Yujin said wiping the tears off of her eyes.

"I'm Ruth you can just call me grandma though." she smiled warmly at her as Yujin smiled back.

"My name is Yujin." She spoke softly even if she was still terrified. Another knock was heard on the door. Yujin was terrified that it might be that guy stalking her.

"Hide there sweetie" Ruth pointed to a closet. Yujin opened it to see it was empty so she hid there. Then Ruth opened the door.

It was indeed the guy. He peeked his head in the room.

"Uh hello my wife and I had a small argument and she ran away. Have you seen her? Around 20 years old, red hair, Chinese." The man lied while trying to describe Yujin. Yujin almost let out a chuckle when she heard the man call her Chinese.

"No I haven't seen her. What is her name?" Ruth being her clever self asked.

The guy froze. "That's not your business" he tried to cover up the fact that he didn't know her name. "I bet she's here let me inside" he spoke demandingly

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