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We were running through the woods in the dark from a large herd of walkers. We finally came through to a clearing. "Come on." Daryl instructed us. Daryl and I watched for the walkers, as Beth tried the car to see if it was working. Daryl looks at the car before motioning to us, "Come on." He lifts up the trunk instructing us to climb in. Beth gets in first and I follow her, then Daryl climbs in and shuts it. We were squished in tight as Daryl ties the trunk shut with a rag. The car starts to shake as we hear the snarling loud. Walkers were slamming into the car as they tried to get around it. Beth grabbed my hand as she tried to slow her breathing. I gave her a nod before closing my eyes, hoping that the darkness would calm me, but the sounds of being surrounded by walkers wouldn't allow me to relax. Beth began to cry slightly and she gave my hand a squeeze. We sat there like that until there was not as many walkers out there, Beth gave Daryl a look but he waved his hand at us. We stayed that way until the morning, just another night with no sleep.

In the morning I looked out the peep of the car, not seeing any walkers, I untied the rag and opened the trunk. The sun was bright and hurt my eyes for a second, but I slowly climbed out of the trunk as did Daryl and Beth. I felt like I had been beat up by being thrown around in the back of the trunk with no sleep. We scavenged anything we could from the car before throwing it into our trash bags. Daryl and I started to walk off as Beth stood there for a moment before following us.

Daryl went out hunting as Beth and I stayed back at our little camp we made. Beth was looking at me for a moment and I looked at her, "What?" She shook her head, "Nothing." I rolled my eyes, "You've been looking at me for a minute now, it's not nothing." She sighs, "You don't have to act like you're okay all the time." I shrugged, "It's not an act." She places a hand on my shoulder, "It's okay to be upset, Joey. You lost your mom-" I pushed her hand off of me, "I'm fine. Let's just build the fire." I started digging the hole for it and Beth grabbed the things to start it. As she did that I grabbed the tire rims and cord to start our perimeter.

When Daryl came back he brought a snake to eat. The craziest thing I had ever eaten where those frog legs my dad forced my mom and I to eat at least once a month. I was starving though, so at this point I'd eat anything. We all sat by the fire eating our parts of the snake, and it wasn't that bad. "I need a drink." Beth spoke breaking the silence. I go to hand her our water bottles and she shakes her head, "No, I mean a real drink. As in alcohol. I've never had one. 'Cause of my dad. But he's not exactly around anymore, so... I thought we could go find some." I look to Daryl and he looked back at me before continuing to eat the snake. Beth huffs as she stands, "Okay. Well, enjoy your snake jerky." She grabs the knife and walks off. Daryl sighs as he throws down his snake. He licks his fingers before reaching a hand out to me, "Come on Jo." I grab his hand as he pulls me up and we follow after Beth. Once we reach her one of a steps on a stick startling her. Daryl turns around and walks away and we follow him.

"I think we made it a way. I'm pretty sure we got to go that way to find the booze." Beth tells Daryl as we walk back to camp. We go to step over the barrier as it clatters and Beth notices, "What the hell? You brought me back. I'm not staying in this suck-ass camp." She flips him off before turning to walk away, I roll my eyes. Daryl grabs her arm, "Hey! You had your fun." She pulls away from him, "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I step forward angry with how she was being, "What the hell is wrong with us? What the hell is your problem, Beth?" She ignores my question directed back to her and looks between Daryl and I , "Do either of you feel anything? Yeah, you both think everything's screwed. I guess that's a feeling. So you both want to spend the rest of our lives staring into a fire" She pauses looking directly at me before looking to Daryl, "and eating mud snakes? Screw that. We might as well do something. I can take care of myself and I'm gonna get a damn drink." Then she walks off. Daryl nods to me, "Come on, Jo." I scoff, "We're seriously gonna go after her again? After she walks away?" Daryl sighs, "I'm just trying to keep us together. If she's persistent on this damn drink, so are we." I roll my eyes before walking off towards Beth.

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