The Rattiest Animatronic (Affectionate)

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I have more SAMS fanaaart! I've been feeling rough this evening, so I decided to try and help it by drawing that little rat, Eclipse. He has been living in my head rent-free for several weeks now, and I really need to do something about that. XD I honestly can't help it, he's the best villain I've seen in years and he's just so interesting and engaging. You love to hate him, hate to love him, and you
desperately want to know what makes him tick. Thanos can screw off, Eclipse is a real world-wiping icon. (And I will fight you on that-)

Ehe, anyway, here's the art now. ^w^"

Here he is! I tweaked his design a little so his joint and accent colors are red instead of black

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Here he is! I tweaked his design a little so his joint and accent colors are red instead of black. The black was fine, but it looked plain and I like the sharp contrast of the red between the paler black and orange.

Ratty animatronic. Ratty, ratty animatronic, he's so stupid even though he's supposed to be smart. <3 Thinks he should be allowed to wipe the world of life and then rule it himself, what a buffoon. We get to see his "perfect world" and everyone we encounter is miserable. I wanna draw him in a dunce cap. x3

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