There's a New Moon on the Rise

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First and foremost, the title is just a lyric from "Bad Moon Rising" swapped with new moon X'D And secondly, I have more nice Eclipse brainrot! However, it's actually to the left, and regarding Eclipse's (headcanoned) brother, whom I've taken to calling New Moon.

First and foremost, the title is just a lyric from "Bad Moon Rising" swapped with new moon X'D And secondly, I have more nice Eclipse brainrot! However, it's actually to the left, and regarding Eclipse's (headcanoned) brother, whom I've taken to c...

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It took a bit for the art to art, but I eventually got good! So, here is my design on New Moon, who I decided should look different from canon SAMS Moon and the old Moon in nice Eclipse's world.

The first thing I knew I wanted to change before I even got drawing was his eyes. I'm a bit fan of Moon designs where he has red sclera with white pupils/irises, so I did that! Then I reversed the curly marking beside his eye and added another "branch" extending onto his cheek. I also made his forearms the midtone purple color that matches his body and face, then his clawtips are the darkest purple color that's usually found in Moon's right sclera.

His hat was made longer, and I gave him a scarf because I tried drawing him twice in two different canvases, I got the frills on the first canvas but didn't like any of it a whole lot so I started over, and it already took me three tries to get the frills on the first one, so... Scarf! No one except Sun wears the frills outside of daycare hours, apparently.

I had planned on giving the crescent half of his face-plate a crack that he just doesn't bother to repair, but I forgot. And it's already posted to the SAMS server, so oh well.

Additionally, I also like the idea that when he's locked onto a target in security mode, his whole face-plate goes pitch black while his irises turn crimson red. The former effect is a glitch of some kind, Moon doesn't even realize it happens until he sees security footage or someone tells him about it.

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