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Sometimes he really does....

Door bell rings*

As soon as I turn open the handel within seconds
Frankie walks right in. "Well isnt someone looking 'Fab ball Us' today" he squeeks bear hugging me.

"Where were you Frankie ive been trying to call you since...."

"What since you finished fucking Harry Styles" he completes chuckling while I elbow him on the shoulder as I walk by. "its just a bloody publicity stunt Scooter got me into"

"I know I know" he laughes.

"He informed me, how your fanbase will apprantely expand more cuz of that".

"Yeah" I reply.

"Anyways your still lucky I mean I would so totally hit that " he giggles like a girl.

"Too bad cause hes not gay Frankie" my eyes automatically roll.

"Hmm and how do you know that?"

Well maybe cuz he fucked me.

"Can you just not.".

He begins fizzing again while catching his breath to talk "Oh yeah I almost forgot ive got a suprise, someone special wants to see Ari wari" he sqeeks in enthusiasm.

Before I could reply Jade and Beck come walking in. Wait what.

Beck runs towards hugging me "We were trying to get hold of you for sucha long time."

Beck goes on expressing his feelings while Jade just stands there in the corner.

"You can come in you know" I inform.

"Hi" is all that comes out of her mouth while waking in.

"Ah hm" Clears throat* "Beck lets go outside for a bit aye". Frankie hints, literally dragging Beck off me outside, shutting the door from behind.

She just stood there awkwardly staring at me.

"Err ermm".


ok shes not responding.

"Soo um Jade hows everything going?"



Why isnt she answering?.

" Jade are you..?

jade talk to me!


(5 minutes after jading)

"Now do you get what I mean?" she smirks breaking her slience.

"What? wait what are you on about?" I ponder in complete confusion.

"You still dont get it do you?" she fakely laughs.

"No" is all I manage to say.

"You felt like you were talking to the wall didnt you?"


"Well thats how I fucking felt every Fucking time I tried to Fucking contact you!"


"But no No


No reply

Why oh yes because your
Ariana Grande Now.

your too 'Grand' to reply to someone like me isnt that correct!"

She screams in my face echoing through the building making me stumble back a little.

"Jade thats not True.. "


Her scream sends shivers all over my body, I heard her shout at others for me, but never against me. I felt so gulity and vulnerable unable to maintain my body I stumble over a small carpet edge landing on the hard surface. My elbow sends a shock up my arm from the encounter of the flooring.

Her mouth forms a O shape as she naturally reaches out for me
"Are are you you ok Ari?".

"Ari?" a smile cant help but form as a minute ago I was referred to as 'Ariana Grande'.

She looks away pulling her arm back.

"I really should be going ... I guess your not the same anymore and I should have controlled myself and got over that" She speaks not looking me in the eyes moving towards the door.

I manage to get up and grab her arm from behind, shockingly enough she doesn't wack it off she just stands there listening to what I have to say.

"I didnt want to ignore you Jade I promise.

And yes ok I admit I admit the fame did get to me for a bit it took over my soul. Wouldn't you do the same Wouldnt you?"


"I would never forget where I belong".


Her words dug deep stabbing me in the heart maybe she was right maybe I did change.Maybe I just didnt realise.

"Its still about him isnt it?" She questions turning bitter making me panic does she know how could she know.

"W-what do you mean?"

"O please atleast now ditch that dumb redheaded card" her face looks almost disgusted at me.


"Have nothing to say now do you?" she smirks. "You well and right know who I'm talking about".


"Yes! No dont try and act yourself out of this one Ari. You know im on about Harry!"


... Shit.

"Yes Harry The one and only Harry Styles" she mocks in his accent.

"Why cant you just get over him!"

"I have got OVER HIM JADE!" I shout with a lump in my throat.

"Yeah. Sure" she laughs in complete sarcasm.

"That explains why uv changed so much."

"He is not the reason why ive change!"
I Atempt to shout as loud as her but end up sounding like a cat against a lion.

"Well then explain this". She smirks pointing her intex finger down my body.

"What. this"

I look down at my clothing then turn towards a long mirror looking at my reflection.

"This is me this is Ari".

"No this is not Ari
My Ari would never dress like that nor act let alone suck up to becoming a slut for publicity!".

" Jesus Christ how could you say that Jade! I am not a slut I am only living my life the way I want. Everyone's style chances So whats so bloody wrong with that!".

"Theres a difference for changing for yourself from changing for others Ari!"

"Well Jade what else do you except, remember that dumb headed red bimbo no one used to take seriously! Yeah that was me." tears begin leaking at the awful flashbacks.

"By no one you mean Harry" she argues.

"No I dont mean that" I spit.

"Then why take your bow off which you could not go a day without. why change your hair colour that you loved and adored?.
Come on explain to me... and before you say shit like for the career image I think you will find you inspired many of your fans with your red hair, bow and that girly fashion of yours which I could not even think about adapting to so do not give me none of that bullshit".

Damn shes actually got me.

"I dont like girls with Bows
They look like toddlers"

" I prefer blonds"

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