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(Phone conversation)

Simon: "Harry"


Simon:"Your late"

Harry:"for what?"

Simon:"Does the word meeting ring a bell...by any chance"



Simon:"Yeah forget it now the rest of the lads have already been and went ... you know sometimes i think why do i even bother...

Anyways how are you

WHERE are you?"

He scratches his head

Harry:" Um walking on my way to my room"

Simon: "Which is where exactly?"

Harry:" as i was saying I'm walking on my way to my room, Up the stairs i go now"

Simon:"Harry you have no stairs

where the fuck are you?"

Shit. -____-

Harry:" urrr umm look..."

Simon:"What have i told you about responding correctly"



Harry:"Im in America, going towards my hotel room, taking out the keys now..."

Simon:"Are you FUCKING kidding me right now do you realize where your meant to...."

Harry:" Look i know what im doing, i know what you want from me and i will make it happen just ..."

Too late he cuts him off.

Yeah i really don't care hes used to my behaviour and I'm used to his now, i travel down the corridor and realize for some strange reason there are two rooms with the number 6 on, hmmmm interesting well the beautiful blonde did point me towards the left so i guess this must be it, the other one must be just a mistake a bit like glitches in games i find nowadays, why the hell am i even thinking about this. anyway i enter the room, unlocking it using my key, see it unlocked this is the correct room, i would probably have to complain to them about the problem after just in case anyone else faces the trouble.

i notice fans creeping outside the hotel window, better go in fast, hate being judged for wearing a beanie they all think I've had sex on everyday i wear one, pathetic

Still love them though.

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