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Jade's Pov

December 31st, nearly new year. Wow. I cannot believe how fast time goes, there was once a time were i didn't have to think about being 'serious' about work or the need for money, it never bothered me you know, In fact now that i think of it...

Money was my bitch.

I didn't care if there was no cash in my bag, why?. Well because that simply never happened. Sometimes i wake up looking at my self thinking how much of a fool i am for being friends with her. Why did i let her just take away my dream. Na ah i didn't let her i fucking handed it over to her gift wrapped with her favourite bow on top.

Ariana Grande.

Once that name meant something to me, it had importance in my life, but now i feel like if i was just a moment for her you know as if it was just a moment in her life that didn't really have much importance. I know i probably acted like the one who didnt care about her, but i really did, i just never liked to show it as the little devil inside my head would call it my weakness. Now everywhere i look i see her little tiny face grinning away with her success, her high pitched voice haunts me saying you could of been in my place, yet i remained nice to her, but at the end of the day im the one that wishes her happy birthday, Happy new year, and Marry Christmas every frickin year! Yes i am the one who makes the effort to stay in touch with her and what do i get in return a bloody two letter emotionless return 'Ty x'

Bec: "Jade guess what ive got" he walked in calmly with two pair of tickets in his hands, yep guessed it right im still with him, he always reminds me of that quote 'the ones that matter stay' and so true it is.

"No Bec i do not know what you have got" i reply sarcastically.

he grins before flipping them" two tickets to see Grande" he squeaks.

"Yipe" i manage to mutter, the remaining signs of my happiness transfer into a frown which hes quick to notice.

"Just shuv them where they belong" i tap open the bin.

he huffs.

Bec: "Look Jade you cannot just put the blame for your career on Ari, yes its harsh but the quicker you accept the fact that she is more successful in comparison to you and she deserves to be where she is, the more free and relaxed you will feel, you will then be able to focus own your own career, your own talent, your own life".

"1 its not my fault this industry bloody well sucks, there's millions of people who wish to have their talent appreciated like hers, but of course they want something 'unique' and different like that ever so beautiful voice of hers." i take a moment to breath as my blood pressure increases.

"And 2 dont you, And i mean, dont you ever call her Ari, shes not my Ari, in fact shes nothing like my Ari, shes Ariana Grande













Do you hear me!

i cant help but leak these useless tears every time i miss her ' yes' im missing her there i said it.

"My Ari was the most down to earth humble person in the world, she never used people, she never forgot them, she never bragged about her success, she never tried to act 'sexy' showing off her smarty tight ass wearing lingerie while performing, oh and not to mention those hideous high heels in shape of what, there meant to be some sort of white boots, ha no, they just looking fucking ridiculous on her, my Ari would fall over wearing 2 inch heels, she just wouldn't have the patience to walk around wearing them." ufff i ran out of breath.

Bec:"Your missing her"

"No im n..."

Bec:"Like i said







are missing ms Grande, Ariana Grande our Grande, our little cute, redheaded, innocent little Ari

which is exactly why I'm taking you to see her...

come on now" he grabs my coat and shuvs it on me.

"i would rather slam my touge in a car door"

bec:"Jade" he frowns


Ariana's Pov

Gosh these bloody heels hurt.

DirectoriousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora