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From that very day Harry and Ariana went their separate ways, confused about everything that happened, if anything even did happen, confused about the unwanted feelings that they were both experiencing; something that was there all along but never expressed. Harry goes round staying at his uncle's abandoned house due to his usual 'emergencies' occurring, he was just about to step out the car until he turns around to notice his boot wasn't closed properly; out pops a Tori.

"Uhh what are you umm..." lost for words.

Tori excitably squeaks "Oh aye i missed you, so ah you no i thought i would sleep round like before.." she jumps a little while not being able to control her emotions.


"N No?" she slutters.

"I mean i ah come in" he opens the door for her after digging benefit the flower pot by the side, knowledge of where the keys are hidden is still inserted within him.

He lands his body on the sofa while feeling pressure of Tori's body casually concealing the top of him. "I missed you" she whispers biting his left hear, making him feel itchy.


"Yeah" she manages to say inbetween kisses that she begins to print below his ear.

"Do you love me?"

"What do you mean do i love you?" she chuckles "Of-course i love you" her kisses become more and more passionate.


"What do you mean why?" she gasps for air in-between.




you know

love me"

he questions seriously before looking down at his feet.

"Harry" she turns his head facing which are now hooked on her gazing eyes.

" i don't need a reason to love you"

"Love is love it just happens, you may fall in love with anyone at any time, but it doesn't require a reason to happen

it just happens

like that "

she clicks her fingers to emphasize .


"Uhm" she signals that shes listening before making out on top of him.

"lets say i have this friend....."

"go on"

"He can be a real nob sometimes... but he don't mean to"


"he he He you you know uses girls na no he he plays with them for a while before.."

"wow he is a nob" she mutters before going back towards his neck.

"Na no he hes not that bad.. .. he hes just confused .. but i think hes fallen in love.." he manages to whisper 'Love' without sounding to emotional.

"uh how can people like that even... hes just a user anyway..

why do you care so much for someone like him?"

"Hes my friend" he replies vulnerably.

"i personally don't think people like that ever fall in love, there just fake it harry" she assures.

"Hes probably just horny for some new innocent target" she says with disgust.

"No that that's not it... its its a different feeling".

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