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(Next day in class)

Victoria or Jade wasn't in, so Harry took on full opportunity to annoy and tease Ariana, he wouldn't stop until she witnessed complete humiliation. He took a seat next to Ariana Sckowits noticed Ariana's uncomfortable body language from the start, however chose to observe the classes behaviour. Harry started leaning more and more towards Ariana, who's expression turned miserable within seconds by his presences. He slowly started lifting his top, revealing his upper body, he took hold of Ariana's petite hands forcefully and started re positioning her fingers over his nipples, everyone's sleeping attention awoke, he started rotating her hands, round and round over the muscular surface of his nipples, he then forcefully started closing Arianas' fingers, making her squish his skin, until he began faking noises "Ahhh Ahh Yeah AHH Ariana ahh" her hands started shaking by his touch and she started to look away in disgust, "32A" he whispers moving his lips at the edge of her ear, however everyone manages to hear. And become shocked by his actions, Andrea, Beck and liam stand up preparing themselves for anything extreme, when they notice Ariana starting to breakdown.


Doesnt bother listening.

He lifts her chin up making her nose touch his"I wonder what size i will discover down there" he smirks looking down at her skirt. While she gulps down her throat.

Niall grabs Ariana's chair, pulling her away from him, however her grabs it back while holding onto her skirt, looking up at Niall whoses displaying a confused expression "You pull one more time, then I think you know what i will pull" he smirks, Niall lets go immediately while harry lays back, places his legs on the table resting his arms behind his head in peace.

Sckowits, is familiar with Harry's attitude and has noticed tensions between the two since role play, however thinks that the matter is getting serious, he is unaware if punishing Harry in front of her will help them both or only make the matters worst so he tells everyone to step outside for 10 minutes,

Harry starts fingering down Ariana's spin. "come on Ariana".

Sckowits grabs Ariana's arm "No"

Harry looks back in shock "wa what" he spits.

Schowits"I said LEAVE". So he rolls his eyes and obeys. while closing the doors. and sitting Ariana on the floor facing him, Schowits brings her a coconut with a straw. "Here take a sip, this one's from Brazil, he brushes proudly".

So she does. Catching her off guarding.



"I think Harrys fallen in love"

She immediately chokes on the drink.

"With you" he finishes

.her eyes automatically widen "you call this love" she leaks tears trying her hardest not to burst, but the pain is noticeable through her voice "he he humiliated me in in front of.... I have never been... what did I.... please can you change my partner"

He firmly grabs her shoulders, whipping her tears, "Now listen very carefully to me Ariana" she nods "the one and only 'Harry Styles'" he exaggerates "HAs fallen in love, AND for the very first time" he points with his finger to emphasize. "But" there's always a but. "He doesn't want to", her curiosity expands. "Why", "because hes afraid". "Oh yeah and immature" he adds chuckling. "Ariana dear, now i don't get all daddy like this with most people" he rolls his eyes chuckling "but if he ever needs spanking im here" "Ok" he assures making Ariana smile. He hugs her making her feet sweep off the ground, she giggles, while walking towards the door.

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