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During the whole journey back Harry was sitting behind Ariana; who was uncomfortably ridding her pink scooter as fast as she can understanding how within seconds Harry's crying could form a storm burst of anger; which could collapse on Ariana during any minute now. Harry always is the type of person who does Care what people think; especially his family, even his dad, however to the rest of the world; Ariana he likes to appear as if he doesn't; to appear strong. But when his father shatters his belief exposing his importance towards him in front of Ariana that's when the real Harry becomes unravelled. The Harry who does care; the Harry who can't see a person cry; the Harry who just wants love; attention; affection. Which he didn't get from his father; this is why he adores the attention; love; affection from every girl that lays eyes on him; he considers it an achievement something he can achieve independently and show him that "I didn't need you to teach me this did I?" he loves the love and affection the blossom over him even if it's Just physical; because he feels 'wanted' for once in his life. A feeling which his father never gave him.

But today his Father and completely exposed his unwant towards Harry making him lose control of his emotions. During the journey he can't stop himself but sulk shedding tears which leak into the back of Ariana's dress; making her cry too.

Harry: "why are you crying?".

Ariana:"what's that suppose to mean?"

Harry: sighs* "It means Why are you crying?"

Ariana: wipes tears before answering "because your crying"

Harry: eyes become wider "So?"

Ariana:"if you cry, then I cry"

Harry: " Why?"

Ariana: "because your my.."


Ariana:"My Friend".

Harry: "Whatever"

he rolls his eyes getting off the scooter; walking at fast pace though the building; towards a room locking behind him the Mahongany doors.

Ariana quickly runs over tapping the door lighly. "H-harry!"

Harry: "What!"

she could hear him crying therefore starts crying too trying to open the door in tension.

Harry: "Just go away"

Ariana: "No I wont"

Harry: "well my dad obviously can So YOU CAN TOO!"

Ariana: "don't speak to me like that Harry"

Harry: "Or what"

she stays slient.

Harry: "Yeah go on you hate me too ; all I need is an airhead now telling me what to do! "

She starts crying but stops herself.

Harry: "I I didn't mean it like...."

Ariana: "its ok"

Harry: "You know what he never cared a shit about me; I was just an accident; he never wanted me: he he never loved me ,, in in fact no One bloody does....

Ariana:" H Harry"

Harry: "There all just honry bitches who just want a Fuck! Who am I kidding no one actually wants me No one! Im just a usual teenage shitty Man Whore!"

Ariana, "Your not"

Harry:"why were you afraid of me then?"

Ariana: "this is not what we are talking abo.."

Harry; " Well now it is If you didnt think I was sucha Man whore, A user or whatever you wanna call it, you Wouldnt be Behaving this way with me! Your even afraid of me You think I'm not worthy of love dont you You probably curse me day and night about me hooking up with girls behind toris back ! you probably think im not worthy of Love you know what I don't deserve to be loved NO ONE LOVES ME NO ONE CARES FOR ME NO...."

Ariana:"I love you"

(One minute slience )

Harry:"say that again"

she takes a deep breath.

"I love you Harry"

The doors unlocks.

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