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I have changed for him after all havent I. Why the hell did I?. Why did she have to come in here and tell me that?.
I actually have changed and I never realized he was the real reason. I kept coming up with excuses to why I should behave differently or why I should Bring change to my appearance because somewhere deep down I still had feelings for him.

I wanted to be taken seriously. respected and given attention to by him. His rejection years back soon became my motivation for success before my very eyes.

I never realized how much his attitude back in the days got to me, soon gaining influence over my presence.

"you know jade it just hurts sometimes when you fall for someone and they hardly even acknowledge your existence" I turn around facing her admitting everything in my heart. I give up I cant hide anything from her.

"So you did change for him then" she points out folding her arms across her black leathered jacket.

"Yes" is all I manage to say.

"I know I hurt you saying shit I shouldnt of said" she looks down to the floor.

I simply pick her chin up with my index finger" you shouldnt be in fact Im sorry for letting all this come between us, I didn't mean to just leave you guys I really didn't have much say in the matter due to the whole career building thing".

"I understand" she says smiling.

"Right, phew thank god thats all cleared then, right your sleeping round mine".

She makes her way outside the door dragging a suitcase in. "Bitch like I didnt know" she smirks confidently.

"Glad you came prepared" I laugh.

We both giggle like the good old days about various topics before calling it a day.

Next Morning I was welcomed by a text instructing me to get ready for a 'important' meeting with Simon and the rest of One Direction.

But then why they hell do I have to meet them if im only linked with Harry.

Oh yeah probably more publicity shit. Great.

I get up instantly neatening my side of the bed. So what if me and Harry dont get on I always got on with the rest of them.

I decide to pull on a plan white laced top with denim printed jeans. deciding on leaving my hair open today, I begin just straighting the ends to make it appear more presentable.

After a few minutes I leave a note informing jade where im going, leaving it by the side table. Yeah Jades not a morning person so its best I dont disturb her.

Harry's Pov

Great. She'll be coming any minute and these bag of dicks probably cant even remember her.

There all like 'Who the fucks this Grande' when they hear her name appearing in the media.

I just hope they don't remember who she is or what happened back then cuz I really couldnt care less but I know the whole topic would start and within seconds I will become bored out of my skin.

Which im planning to avoid.

"Well look who's hear lads" Simon announces proudly opening one of the double doors.

Everyone instantly drops whatever the hell there doing turning around.

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