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Niall's Pov

So um yeah basically the lads have left me to drop little Ms 'Grande' off. Dont know whats up with Harry though as when I looked towards him to drop her off. ya know as Simon said he just drove off in another direction. Get it another Direction like how Zayn went in Another direction. And now Harry.


k ill stop now.

"Um Niall so.." she began talking awkwardly during five minutes in the journey. Funny that even if Zayn was here and she asked him to drive he would say 'Na Mon' get it cuz he cant drive.


Shit ive just realized why in the fucking holy lords of Nandos have I been thinking about him like nearly from the minute he left to now.

"Uh hm" she coughs sarcastically cupping her mouth.

"What Ari?"

"Well I was thinking....umm.. uh" she speaks twirling her hair with her finger tips, blinking like a zillion times within a nano second. Nervous, clearly an old habit I still remember.

"You were thinking?"  didn't know she had that capacity. kidding I love her :')

"Can can we go and ... Drop me off to see Zayn!".

:o Bitch took advantage of my kind nature.

"How about no". I was simply forced to stop the car as i couldn't handle another 10 minutes of her constant bickering.

She gently grabs my hand off the steering wheel locking my fingers with her own. Gosh there tiny.

"Please Niall" She whispers sobering Bashing her false lashes deliberately. "Why do you want to see him for, you know what hes done to us dont you?" Shes starting to get on my nerves.

"I miss him Niall. I miss seeing him with all you lot. I want him back. I Miss the good old days where he would pop up pranking me with Lou in the middle of the night. Or when he would Shout 'Vas Happenin' purposely in my ear every single time i feel asleep in class. I miss hearing his thick Bradford accent and like how he would say Leeyum instead of Liam, i miss....

"Niall you alright?"

Ariana's Pov

His eyes turn watery as i mentioned his name. They seem tired, exhausted, red. He tries looking away out the window. But I know hes crying.


"Forget him Ari. JUST FORGET HIM" he huffs broken by everything.

He starts whipping his tears against his plan white t-shirt. My hand naturally comforts his shoulder as a frown takes over both our faces.

"I cant" the words fall out in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Were finished basically" he sniffs attempting to control the flooding of tears. "No your not, you guys are the biggest boy-band in the world" I ensure something hes probably already  familiar with.

"Boy-bands have a record for not lasting long Ari, Were breaking up and there's nothing I can do about that. It seems like it just all went too quickly. His one decision has changed everything. In fact Simons even given up on us, Soon after one or two more albums were officially over and nothing can change that." He breaths deeply.

"Nothing can change that Ari. Nothing at all.".

I try stopping my tears from leaking. As much as i knew Niall as the 'carefree' type of guy whos really not all that emotional, seeing him in this state made a part of me die inside. I bring both of my arms together wrapping them round his body as his head falls into my neck, he releases more tears and finally fully breaks down.

My heart jumps witnessing his full break down. He starts shivering his lips tremble for words, his forehead becomes moist in tension. My heart sinks hearing his heart beat racing in pain. I grab the nearest tissue from my bag using one arm as the other is comforting Niall. I begin gently whipping his tears away.

I never realized how much this has effected all of them. I always imagined these lot would stay close. even if in the future we all went our separate ways. that's because these lot were all British, they all came to Hollywood Arts and Hollywood Arts nursery only for a short amount of time. They were always in this 'group' different from the rest. They would always make fun of our accents and we would always make fun of theirs. Although I secretly envied theirs. SHH.

I begin stroking his hair gently. After five minutes or so he manages to gather himself as he breaths deeply lifting his head up from against my neck. He uses both of his large pale hands whipping away the remainders of tears. "Right". He pauses. "Lets get you home".


He faces me starting the engine. "Please".

He sighs looking towards the view mirror reversing.


"But im not going in ill drop you off were he is staying right now."

"Yay" i scream.

"Yaay" he mocks as I wack his arm playfully.

We finally arrive. I get off and start walking in the direction he instructed me. As I begin walking he slides down the window. "Ariana!"

I quickly run back. "Yeah?".

"Uh umm i don't know how to say this.."

"Niall there shouldn't be no hesitation between us.. we were never like this".

"Fuck it.

I was gonna ask you, do you have any gummy bears,

you know as I remember you used to stuff them in your bra... but i kinda felt a little awkward as..."

"No why would I" I quickly answer panicking.

He looks at me with a smirk,

Damn he knows when im lying.

"Yeah i still do that". I hand him all the stack ive got as he begins laughing.

"Never change your habits for anyone Ari!" he shouts one last time through the window before driving off waving me goodbye.

I simply love him.

I begin making my way towards the location, for some strange reason im feeling a little nervous seeing him as everyone has been telling me how Zayns changed. I wonder how he would react.

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