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I begin knocking on the wooden door loud enough for someone to hear only seconds later to discover it was already open. Quiety creeping in I gently close the door from behind.

Aroma of smoke caught up my notrils, I begin choking a little as I look around the spacesious apartment. Walls covered in green graffiti, black bedsheets on the floor contaminated in brown,yellow stains. I pick one up as it tangles inbetween my heels. Feeling disgusted just by its touch, it felt old and manky, rough for some strange reason.

"It stinks of sex." I quiety think to myself

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you".

Spoke a familar voice from behind. I start hearing foot steps moving fast towards me. His perfectly sculptured hands firmly grab both sides of my shoulders turning me round to face him.

"Holy lords of angelic greek Gods."

My eyes scan him up down rapidly.

"Talk about hitting the genetics lottery!"

I gasp fangirling over his physic. As he stood there like a mysterious angelmon Smirking at my very reaction; my mouth doesnt fastward from the 'O' position.

Beam of sunlight highlights over his tattoo filled body, hes just standing there in black boxers you know. How could you possibly except me to control my irrupting emotions.

I could just eat him.

Shit did he just hear that.

'Great first impression Ari'
For some strange reason I hear Harry's voice in my head.


"Um.. uh im im Aria.."

"Ariana Grande?"
What how could he possibly know.

"Yeah er do you..."

"Yeah mon cus I remember you lil Ari from good old Hollywood Arts right?" he questions grinning widely.

"y-yeah" Shit he still remembers how I was in the past . God have some mercy.

No chance here Ari. Nope not at all.

I gave up the whole 'proffesionism' bear hugging him. He starts giggling hugging me back.

"lil Ari all grown up aye" he chuckles.

"So is lil Zayni Wayni" I mimic in his deep voice. well I tried.

I dont know why they were all worrying he hasnt changed at all. Just got a bit 'mature' thats all.

"Aye sit down" he instructs moving the dirty clothes off a black coach. "Sorry about da mess" he polity says before sitting down on the messy bed facing me quickly kicking a white bra underneath.

I saw that zayni wayni.

"Soooo... hows everything going". I begin the conversation awkwardly as usual.

"Fine I guess, You?"

Fine?. really?.

"Same, just tryina get myself out there you know." I shrug.

"Your already out there" he laughs "been hearing that sick voice of yours everywhere".

Oh my god he actually knows me. Wait funny that the others were like who the fucks this new kid in town and Zayn notices straight away. Then again hes always been the most observant out of the pack.

I literally start lightly tapping my cheeks to stop myself from blushing. Not sure if its due to his generious amounts of compliments; or the fact that hes standing the topless glowing in hotness. Urgh.

Control. Control. Control.

I think he notices me blushing so he smirks hugging me yet again. "Your too cute" he whispers in my ear.

Damn I think he realizes the effect he has on me as he lightly chuckles to himself grabbing a vest from the coach, pulling it back on.


Ding* Dong*

We both turn around to the sound of the bell. Wait there was a bell. Yeah im still pretty slow.

All of the sudden he grabs hold of me shuving me in an old mahogany cupboard. He gestures me to stay slient as he whispers "Perrie is here she shouldnt see you. You get me?".
I node my head up, down signalling 'yes' as his hand is covering my mouth. "Oh sorry bout dat" he removes his soft hands. "I get you" I say smiling as he closes the doors lightly on me.

Luckly for a nosey person like myself there were slits in the door so I would be able to see everything that happens. My subconscious grabs pop corn and some 3D specs.

In came Perrie with her blonde nest sat on top of her head. Like the usual. Some call it bedhead I call it nesthead.

She violently jumps on Zayn wrapping her 'healthy' legs round his figure pouting her lips. "Not now babe".

Ooow rejected! no but
Im guessing he probably knows ill be spying.

She instantly gets off crossing her arms forming a frown on her face. "Babe im sorry im just...."

"Dont babe im sorry me" she mocks unfolding her arms ready for war.

" im sorry Babe its its just that..."
"Aw Zayn'' she pinches both sides of his cheeks "Honey I was only joking" She laughs for a good minute in a very fake manner digging her pink pointed nails within his skin as they infuse there mouths.

Possibly the biggest grin ive ever seen on his face as she smiles back at him. They begin laying on the bed on there backs directly looking up at the roof.

"Zayn" she says smiling.

"Yes" he answers.

"You know my birthdays coming up right and now that you have made time for me right". She begins playing with her fingers.

"Yes babe ofcourse I know".

" Well I was thinking..." she speaks slowly rolling her eyes over to him.

" Babe you dont have to think.. dont worrying its gonna be celebrated bigger then last time.. dont worry I wont let you down" he says quickly peaking her lips.

"Good" is all she says.

She gets up off the bed teasing him pushing him back a little. She grabs a dress out of her bag.

"Zayn how do I look?" She says putting a new sparkling white dress against herself with the label of £1900 still hanging out.

"Perv" he says smiling like a idiot seeing her passion for shopping taken over her face.

"I was thinking of getting a black one too... but then" she says creating a innocent face.

"Babe you should of called me. No worries ill purchase you one tomorrow."

"Awwww thats so sweet of you!" she jumps excitively.

"I will hang this one up in this cupboard for now". She says enthusiastically making her way towards the cupboard.

Wait thats where I am. Shit.

Within seconds the doors pull open.

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