Chapter 336: "I hate sand, it's coarse, and gets everywhere!" - Daiyu

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Genshin Impact, Hustle and Bustle of Ormos: HOYO-MIX

Daiyu was staring off into the sky over the bustling harbor of Envy's Chinatown, waiting ever so patiently for the mercenaries to arrive. She already loaded her own thanks to anyone else. She flipped off the port master in passing as she walked by the crabby old demon and leaned back against a stone pier to watch the port come alive with laughter and merrymaking.

The sound of fireworks drew her attention upwards while demons and demoness's were wielding sparkler sticks and a few Hellborn children were spotted waving them around like fantasy wands.

She couldn't help but smile. Chinatown and the rest of Envy's Asiatic districts will always find something to be festive about at all hours of the day...

 Chinatown and the rest of Envy's Asiatic districts will always find something to be festive about at all hours of the day

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It's precisely what she loves most about this region of Hell.

There's always cause for celebration...and if you play your cards right, you'll find that the denizens of Envy—despite the namesake—are very loyal people.

Especially considering this is the one region of Hell were loyalty and knowledge is viewed as being something higher than the value of profitable currency.

Which is why most know that it's not a wise move to test your luck against the Queen of Heat, especially when you consider the woman's connection with Lady Fenghuang of the Jade Dragon Temple.

Tsurumi's an Overlord of Envy in his own goddamn right...

Although to her it's just another fancy title to add to her list of names.

*It's odd how Imaad is the only one out the Crew of the Manjushage that's considered to be an Overlord due to his Oil refinery business...Leonidas would make for an excellent Overlord with how proficiently he's governed the waters of Envy.* Daiyu pondered with a distracted smile as she thought of the Nemean Lion in question.

She stood away from the stone pier the moment she caught sight of the band of mercenaries sauntering over with their hand resting on the handles of their weapons.

They were all rough around the edges and all battle scared. Their ethnicity is of Arabian in background and they were less than pleased with the fact that they had to travel all the way down to Chinatown just to go straight back up towards the Arabian district before crossing into Wrath.

Daiyu crossed her arms. "Well took you long enough. Jeez you all look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Seriously did you all just unanimously decide to wake up and immediately choose irritability as your go too emotion? I expected to see that grumpy old man attitude during the twilight hours. You all should feel honored to be graced with the sights of Chinatown's festivities."

The leader of the group was dressed to the gills in crimson red and cream, sporting a red and gold patterned bandanna around his upper arm near the shoulder. He looked the part of a rugged mercenary. He was a big ugly looking brute with the physical appearance of a bull.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now