Chapter 10

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(Pov Sigurd)

        My brother and I had come to E-Rantel disguised as adventurers to get information. Just as we were about to expect our first quest a group of silver class adventures. Since they were asking us to join their mission we decided to hear them out.

Ains:I see so you wish to have us join you in fighting monsters.

Ains:I see so you wish to have us join you in fighting monsters

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Peter:That's right we plan on clearing out monsters near the city and turning them in for a reward.

Sigurd:Wait so you are saying this isn't an official quest?

Peter:Technically it isn't but since the monsters around here are a problem they reward any that takes them out

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Peter:Technically it isn't but since the monsters around here are a problem they reward any that takes them out.

           My brother and I conversed mentally before agreeing to accept their offer. After all, it was the perfect chance to show off. It is like a wise man once said "the best way to spread information is through rumor". Since we had agreed to the mission the party leader from swords of darkness introduced his team. First was their Ranger Lurut who tried flirting with our female companions. Lucky for him the party's Druid him on the head somewhat a pleasing the ladies.

           The druid's name was Dyne and he was a dwarf. Last to be introduced was Ninya a spell caster that had been born with a talent. After they were done we introduced ourselves and my brother took his helmet off. Of course, he cast a minor illusion giving himself his old face.

Freed:Alright now that we got to know each other we should probably start heading out.

            Right, when we were about to leave the receptionist from before came up to us.

Receptionist:I am sorry for bothering you but someone quite important is requesting to talk to you.

Freed:OH and who may this person be?

???:Hello that would be me.

              Looking over we saw a young blonde-haired girl with bangs hiding her eyes. She was dressed in a loose white shirt and baggy work pants. Covering those pants was a stained apron.

Ains Ooal Gown's Grand Knight(Overlord harem)Where stories live. Discover now