Chapter 11

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(Pov Ains Ooal Gown)

          After my outburst last night, a certain tension filled the air as we hit the road again. My brother was glaring daggers at me as if to say, "You need to fix this." I felt the most awkward I have ever been.

Freed:Dude you need to hurry the fuck up and apologize. The poor girl didn't mean to hurt your feelings so man the fuck up.

            Although his words were a little rude he did have a point. It is not like she was intending to say anything bad. Sighing I thought about how to show wasn't mad. Like always my brother covered for me.

Freed:That reminds Ninya didn't you guys say something about a powerful monster being in the area?

Ninya:Yeah if I remember it should be a dragon that set up his lair in the mountains.

Ains(clears throat): Ninja do you know what kind of dragon it is?

Ninya:I am not too sure but I can look it up when we get back to town.

Ains:I thank you in advance.

         With that, the tension vanished as we continued walking. Soon we arrived at a wall made of wooden logs. From behind it a group of goblins came out with their weapons drawn. Swords of darkness and Nfrea had nervous expressions. My brother looked completely unconcerned as if it was another Tuesday.

        Then again it is not surprising if you take our strengths into an account.

Goblin:Hold it right there we would rather not fight you. That goes double for the pretty boy and big guy.

Ains:Impressive that a Goblin like you can tell how strong we are.

Goblin:Thank you for the compliment but this is based purely on instinct. It is obvious at a glance you two are confident. Which usually translates into danger.

      Our staring contest went on until Enri came out from the gate.

Nfrea: Enri what is going on

Enri:Nfre why are you here?
        Thanks to Enri we ended our Mexican standoff ended and we were inside the walls. It has been not long since they were attacked but they are already starting to recover. They even started learning to protect themselves.

(Pov Third)

          Nfrea Barare was currently talking to her friend Enri. They were talking about all of the village's changes. Mostly they talked about the theocracy attack.

Nfrea(sadly):I see so both of your parents died.

Enri:Yeah a lot of people died that day I even almost joined them. Luckily lord Ains and his brother happened to appear just in time.

              Nfrea's interest peaked when she noticed the lovesick expression on her friend's face. She never thought her fellow tomboy Enri would fall. Still, she felt happy that at least something good happened.

Enri:Seriously Lord Sig's skill with a sword was amazing. He had moved so fast that no one could even see it. Not only that but he was nice enough to let me drink a potion.

Nfrea:Wait for a second did you just say he gave you a potion?

Enri:Yeah it was even red.

            Right as Enri said that Nfrea's eyes widened in shock. If her gut was right then the adventurers Momon and Freed were the magic caster Ains Ooal Gown and his brother. Fear began to grip her heart, thinking about how she was planning on discovering their secrets. If everything Enri said is true, then they both would be powerful magic casters. This means her poking around them may set them off.

Nfrea:Hey Enri, how would you describe Lord Gown and Sig?

Enri:From what I have seen, Lord is kind of a womanizer.

           Nfrea relaxed a little, knowing she may have some lenience if Sig was to speak for her. Still, she worried someone like her wouldn't catch his attention. Finally, she decided to talk to them and beg for mercy. Without explaining anything, she raced to where Sig and Anis were talking about the village.

Freed:OH Miss Barare could it be you missed me around?

Nfrea:Are you two Lord Gown and his brother Sig?

                The brothers paused briefly staring at Nfrea before sighing. When they disguised themselves, it didn't occur they would be caught so easily. Nabrel was less relaxed than her master and prepared to attack. Right with her was Freya whose nails started elongating. Freed noticed this and stepped forward to relieve the tension.

Freed:Looks like you caught us what's the plan now?

Nfrea: I wanted to say thank you for saving my friend and her home.

            Nfrea bowed her head to show just how great full she was. She also made a mental note to never piss either of them off. Wanting to prove her sincerity Nfrea went on to explain the real reason she chose them.

Momon:I see you were hoping to get closer to us to discover where we got our potion.

Nfrea:Yes you see until your I have never seen a potion of that level before so I got excited.

Freed:Hey I don't see a problem but we don't make them so we won't be able to give you much knowledge.

             Nfrea didn't look discouraged by Freed's words at all rather she became excited. Moman noticed her expression and saw an opportunity.

Momon:If you are so determined then perhaps we can make a deal.

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