Chapter Two

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Adele Robinson

I thought today was going to be a good one, but I was wrong. When Kayla went to music class, Byron approached me. He went out with every girl in our class except me. After declining him repeatedly, Byron decided to make fun of me and push me around. I had just closed my locker when I was shoved from behind.
I fell to the ground with a thud and looked behind me to see Byron. His blonde hair fell in front of icy blue eyes.
"I'm awfully mad. Someone gave you a black eye before I could." He raised his fist but before he could punch me there was a loud thud. "Ouch!"

Makayla stood behind him with a thick text book.
  "You hit me you little bi-"
"Yeah, you deserved it. You're so pathetic, hitting on a girl." she said as she dropped the book and punched him in the face. There was a loud crunch.
"You broke my nose!" he said as blood dripped onto his shirt.
"No one messes with Addie." Makayla said darkly.
"I'm going to get you." Byron said, looking at me. And with that, he took off towards the nurse's office. When I looked back at my friend, she had tears in her eyes.
"What's wrong Mack?" I asked, calling her by her nickname.
"Oh Addie. I should have told you this before." She was worrying me now. I've never seen her so worked up.
"What is it?" She takes a deep breath. 
"Adele... Tomorrow I'm moving away."

And with that, my whole world fell apart.

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