Chapter Twenty-One

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Makayla Jones

I never knew I could hate someone so much until I met him. Dallas Winston. He always had a smug look on his face. Well, even though I only saw him that one time I knew he wore that look everyday.How dare that dumb boy question me and Addie's friendship? And then he thought he could beat me up in my own house (apartment)? That boy got me twisted. I sat on my couch and played video games on my x-box. What would I even do without GTA 5? I was currently pretending that one of the civilians was Dallas as I ran him over repeatedly with my car.

Then my phone rang. Crap. "Hello?" I asked. "Makayla! Did you wash the dishes, clean the stove, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor?" my mom asked, not bothering to say hello. This is why I avoided her calls when she was at work. My mom always needed something done but was never in too much of a hurry to do things herself. "No but I'll do it before you get home." I replied."That's what I thought." And then she hung up. There was no way I was going to do all that. I'll just deal with my mom's crap when she gets home.

I had just gotten back to my game when there was a knock on the door. Why couldn't people just leave me alone? All I wanted was to play my game. Muttering a few curse words, I got up and stomped over to the door. "What do you wa-" I stopped talking when I opened the door. Standing in the doorway was Dallas and his smug grin.

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