Chapter Eighteen

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Steve Randle

That girl called us white. That's just racist. I would've been mad if she wasn't such a babe. She had long braids that I really wanted to run my fingers through. She hugged Addie and I wanted to be in her place. Man I must be off my rocker. "Umm... Who is that?" Johnny asked. The two girls let go of each other. "This is Makayla Jones. She's a good friend of mine." Dally huffed. "If she's such a good friend, why haven't we seen her?" Back in our time a girl would've kept quiet (except Cherry). But not now. Makayla glared at Dally and strutted over to him, pushing Darry, Soda, and Johnny out of the way. She came to a stop and said a quick hello to Bambi who was holding his hand.

Then she punched him. Not slap, punch. In the face. Everyone's jaw dropped and we expected him to hit her like he did with his old girl. "Listen up white boy," she said angrily. "Adele and I have been friends since before we could walk, so don't you ever question our friendship again unless you want me to punch you upside yo' head again." And with that, she walked to the door. "See y'all later!" she said before leaving. I looked over at Dally. He was fuming mad, his face so red it looked like a tomato.

"It's your fault Dally." Bambi said. I couldn't help but laugh. "I think she busted your lip." Sodapop said with a chuckle. Everyone laughed and Dally let go of Bambi before walking to the door. "Where are you going?" Two-Bit asked. "To get payback."

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