Chapter Sixteen

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Adele Robinson

The apartment building was far away, which was a good thing, but the walking wasn't. Halfway through the walk I was wheezing and Bambi was on Dally's back. "It's not too far now." Darry said as we continued on. When we finally reached the apartment building, everyone was out of breath. I stared up at the five story building. It was on the south side of Milwaukee, and for some odd reason, a lot of Mexican immigrants live on this side of town. So when a group of Mexican teenagers passed us by, I didn't pay much attention. Darry gave all of us keys and walked inside. "We live on the fifth floor. Luckily, there's an elevator." he said. Everyone's face brightened. We rushed to the elevator and when its doors opened, we frowned. Only about three of us would fit. "Addie, Bambi, and Dally should take the elevator." Sodapop said. Everyone nodded and the others took the stairs.The three of us made it to the fifth floor and had to wait a few minutes for the others to get all the way up the numerous flights of stairs. 

When the rest of the gang arrived, we went to our apartment. The TV from the garage sat in the living room. I turned to Two-Bit, the only thief I know. "How...?" He grinned. "A thief never reveals his secrets." he replied. 

"Me, Dally, Two-Bit, and Steve will be sharing the first bedroom." Darry said. "Johnnycake, Soda, and Pony will take the second while Adele and Bambi take the third." Everyone nodded in agreement. When everyone settled down, I turned to the guys. "I think everyone needs some new clothes." I said. "Everything is too expensive here." Steve said. Bambi and I looked at each other and smiled. "That's why we're going to Goodwill."

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