Chapter Fifteen

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Dallas Winston

I was explaining to Bambi what Dairy Queen was when Steve, Two-Bit, and Darry came in. "You guys are late." Ponyboy said. "What took y'all so long?" Johnny asked after nodding in agreement to Pony's statement. "We bought an apartment!" Two-Bit said and we all cheered before asking them a lot of questions. Darry held up his hand and everyone shut up immediately. "A stove and everything was provided. We just need furniture." Bambi smiled and tugged on my jeans. I looked down at her and she said, "I made you something, Dal." Ugh. Why couldn't she give whatever it was to me before the others got home? With a gulp I look into her big, innocent brown eyes. "What is it?" I ask. She reached over and grabbed her glittery pink back pack. She rummaged around inside before pulling out a piece of paper. A drawing. "I drew you and me." Bambi said. Shocked, I took it. No one had ever given me a gift before. It came from her heart and that made me happy. But it looked like chicken scratch. Through the scribbles I could make out a girl with a pink dress and a boy with a black jacket. "I'm not as good as Addie, but- Oof!" I put my hand on her head. "You dig okay kid."

Everyone stared. "Did he just say something nice to her?" Two-Bit asked Sodapop, who was sitting beside Adele. Bambi then hugged my leg and there were audible gasps. "Does she have a death wish?" Steve whispered. At that point, I didn't care about reputation. Those hoods could think whatever they wanted about me. I picked her up and hugged her back.

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