Chapter Nine

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Dallas Winston

Steve, Sodapop, Darry, and I were up watching the news. Fox 6 to be exact. Apparently we were in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We were a long way from Philadelphia. I always found the news during our time boring, but this was different. People talked about death and terrorism all the time. People were calling Milwaukee Killwaukee. Some future we live in. Johnny and Pony couldn't make it here. Only people like me. Just then the side door to the garage opened and Bambi came in crying.

"What's wrong?" Darry asked, rushing over to her. He picked her up and sat her on his lap. Soda went over and wiped her tears away with his thumb. I'll never understand why they like kids so much. I hate them. They're pains and always say things that don't make sense. Steve was just awkward around children. He likes them but they don't like him. So we both stood on the opposite side of the garage, leaning against the wall. Everyone else who was sleeping was now awake and looking at Bambi.

"Dad has Addie! He's hurting her!" she whimpered. Sodapop's face went from concern to anger. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he had a thing for Adele. Darry hugged her. "Do you know where she is?" he asked. Bambi nodded. "Upstairs in her room." Sodapop ran out of the garage. Darry sat her down on a pile of covers. "Johnny and Ponyboy will watch Bambi. Dally, you watch them. Two-Bit and Steve, come with me. We'll help Soda if he needs it." Darry said.

Now I was pissed. Why would he leave me with a kid? Johnny and Pony don't know how to take care of kids, so I'll end up doing the work. Before I could complain, Darry, Two-Bit, and Steve ran out of the garage to help Sodapop.

"So... Wanna help Dally?" Ponyboy asked, sitting down next to the crying girl. "No way. I hate little kids." Ponyboy patted her head awkwardly. "Please?" Johnny asked. Crap. He knew I couldn't say no to him. I'd almost lost Johnny. If he wanted something done, I'd get it done. "Fine. Move it." I said. They scooted away and I plopped down next to Bambi. Putting my hand on her head, I sighed. "Stop crying and go to sleep kid." She looked at me with big brown eyes and nodded before laying down. Ponyboy and Johnny were looking at me with grins and smirks. "If you ever tell the guys about this, I'll kill you."

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